Water compost regularly in summer

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 5 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Should I water my compost pile?
Video: Should I water my compost pile?


If the compost is very dry, some water is good for it

Water compost regularly in summer

During the hot summer months, the compost heap can quickly dry up. This can be seen, for example, from a cracked, friable surface - and from the fact that suddenly ants romp on it. However, too-dry compost is not an ideal environment for the compost and earthworms that are so important to decomposition, which will therefore retire. The result is that the rotting process stops. With the regular handle to the watering can you can prevent this.

Why you should water compost

A compost pile needs enough moisture to keep the rotting process going on inside. The responsible rain and compost worms feel well only in a warm and humid environment, which is why they retire in drought. But not only the disturbed rotting is an important reason for watering the compost: The heaps are often a source of fire because they can quickly ignite themselves, especially in sunny and hot locations. A strong pour from the watering can effectively counteract this danger.

To keep the compost pile moist

There are many reasons that cause a compost pile to dry out. The most important is the location: If the compost is in a sunny and warm place, it dries up faster due to the location. Nevertheless, you should not switch it as possible, as well as the composting so important for the rotting process appreciate such a location very much. Instead, if you pour more frequently, the material remains sufficiently moist. However, another common reason is the wrong composition of the pile: If many dry, perhaps even lignified plant parts are used for composting, it dries up faster. It is better to layer the compost properly:

Water compost properly - That's how it works

To effectively and deeply water the compost heap - after all, the valuable moisture should also penetrate into the deeper layers - it is best to use a garden tool with a long handle, such as a hoe. Now push deep holes in the pile with the stem at regular intervals. Now pour the compost with the help of a watering can with a fine attachment - this distributes the water better and more evenly, and also reduces the water pressure.


Although compost heaps should ideally be located in sunny and warm locations, they benefit from shade donations such as all around planted shrubs or sunflowers.