Repot a coconut palm properly

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 21 January 2021
Update Date: 1 June 2024
Caring for an Impossible Plant: The Coconut Palm (Cocos nucifera)
Video: Caring for an Impossible Plant: The Coconut Palm (Cocos nucifera)


Repot a coconut palm properly

About every two to three years, a coconut palm should be repotted. If your coconut palm is already in a too small pot when you buy it, you should transplant it immediately so that it can develop well.

The most important preparations

Before you start repotting, make sure your planter is big enough. If the roots in the old vessel barely leave room for soil, then the new planter must be significantly larger. Also get new potting soil for your coconut palm. This can be special palm soil from the construction or garden market or you can use garden soil mixed with sand.

How to make a coconut tree?

The coconut palm can also be as a houseplant two to three feet tall. Of course, their roots grow accordingly. And they need a sufficiently large planter to develop properly. Put some potsherds down in the bucket, then excess irrigation water can flow off well and there is no waterlogging. That does not tolerate your coconut.

Then fill the pot about two-thirds with palmerde or with a mixture of garden soil and sand. Then carefully place your coconut palm. Be careful not to hurt the delicate roots of your palm. Now continue to fill soil in the planter until the coconut is half covered with soil.

Then add plenty of lukewarm water or rainwater to the coconut palm. Here, the loose soil should be washed well to the roots. It may be appropriate to refill some earth afterwards.

The essentials in brief:

Tips & Tricks

The coconut should never be completely covered with soil and the sensitive roots need a lot of space to grow.