Sage dry gently - instructions and tips

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 15 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Sage dry gently - instructions and tips

Dried sage gives food an individual flavor, soothes health problems and serves as a decorative bouquet of flowers. How to dry sage leaves in the air, in the oven, in the dehydrator and in the microwave, is explained in the following instructions with practical tips.

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Best harvest date and skilful preparation

So that dried sage has the highest possible aroma content, the well-considered time for the harvest of importance. Anyone who tolerates the essential oils rising to their maximum level shortly before flowering in June / July will be rewarded with premium quality dry herbs. How to arrange harvest and preparation work:

Sage leaves dry better if not washed before. A longer storage between harvest and processing has a negative effect on the later taste or the healing power.

That's how easy it is to dry sage in the air

Immediately following the harvest and preparation, start the drying process. The classic method uses the most natural preservative - the air. Follow these steps:

Depending on the weather, the process takes between 8 and 14 days. Since the stems contract due to the loss of water, the binding material is regularly re-drawn a little. Dried sage rustles and crumbles on light touch. The dried herbs are stored in an airtight container, labeled with name and date.

Sage leaves dry in the oven - that's how it works

Drying herbs in the air takes a long time. At the same time not only a part of the flavor is lost, but you always return small parts of plants from the corners. If this is too time-consuming, use the oven for rapid drying within a few hours. How to do it professionally:

While the sage leaves are drying, they are turned every 30 minutes. After about 6 to 8 hours, the process is complete. Allow the herbs to cool in the oven turned off to crush them or to fill them into a dark jar as a whole. Never close the container when it is warm, as condensation will form. Dried sage is stable for up to 2 years.

Dry the sage comfortably in the dehydrator

For hobby gardeners with a high harvest of fruits, vegetables and herbs, it is worth investing in a dehydrator. This works in a similar way to the oven, as warm air flows around several sieve trays. The comfortable method scores with the advantages that the oven is not permanently occupied and the energy consumption decreases. Thats how it works:

Set the unit to the number of degrees recommended in the operating instructions. The sage leaves usually dry within 8 to 10 hours. If no uniform drying takes place, switch off the device and replace the lower sieve with the upper one. Dried sage from the dehydrator should still have a green color and be easily bendable.

Extra fast drying in the microwave

Garden sage is one of the few herbs that are suitable for drying in the microwave. Fill the prepared leaves or shoots into a microwave-compatible container. Sage leaves also dry faster with this method if they are not stacked. If you place the herbs on top of each other due to the small space capacity, the process is interrupted every 15 seconds and the herbs are turned over.

The intensity of the treatment causes a comparatively high loss of essential oils in the leaves. Dried sage from the microwave is therefore preferably suitable for use in drying arrangements or for smoldering as a smoking material.

Tips & Tricks

The prolonged use of sage as tea or medicine is not recommended due to the content of toxic thujone. In high doses, this natural nerve poison causes convulsions, dizziness and hallucinations. On the other hand, there are no concerns in the kitchen-ready seasoning dose.