Crunchy, fresh and healthy - plant salad

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 5 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
My Formula for Fantastic Salads | healthy + vegan
Video: My Formula for Fantastic Salads | healthy + vegan


Crunchy, fresh and healthy - plant salad

Whether lamb's lettuce, rocket salad, iceberg lettuce, Batavia salad, oak leaf lettuce, pickle salad or even the tried and tested lettuce - the range of lettuce varieties seems endless. Although spoiled for choice, the addition turns out to be uncomplicated. But what is there to pay attention to?

Where does salad feel most comfortable?

Salad needs a sunny to partially shaded location for healthy growth. He should not be planted in the deep shadows. While it should be sunny and moderately warm on the surface, the soil should be as follows:

Which are the good ones and which the bad neighbors?

Salad is compatible with many plants. Especially good neighbors are for him bush beans, carrots, radishes, cabbage, dill, peas, strawberries, tomatoes, onions and kohlrabi dar. With parsley and celery, he can not make friends.

How does the sowing work?

Basically salad can be sown or planted from March to August. However, the specific recommended sowing date differs depending on the selected variety:

As a rule, the lettuce seeds are sown 0.5 to 1 cm deep in the soil. For successful germination they need an ambient temperature between 10 and 16 ° C. After 10 to 14 days the first cotyledons become visible.

Alternatively, salad can also be brought forward or sown in the cold frame. In unprotected outdoor salad should arrive only after the last strong frost. In order to harvest salad all season, it is advisable to sow it every two to four weeks.

Are there any special care measures?

Salad is unpretentious and easy to clean. He does not need a later fertilizer. It is sufficient to provide the plants regularly and evenly with water. In addition, it is advisable to look from time to time to the right and to remove voracious snails from the lettuce leaves.

What should be considered during the harvest?

The salad season lasts from spring to winter. Depending on the type and variety, it matures at different times. For example, there are varieties of lettuce to harvest in the summer and those to harvest in the cold season.

When harvesting lettuce heads, the plant should be cut along with its stem above the ground. But beware: salad should not be harvested during or after flowering. Then the leaves are hard, bitter and much nitrate-rich.

Tips & Tricks

Due to its high health value, lettuce is not only an enrichment on the human diet. Even animals like dogs experience new sensory experiences with salads in their diet.