Peel kiwi

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 13 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Best Way To Peel A Kiwi Fruit
Video: The Best Way To Peel A Kiwi Fruit


Peeled kiwis can be processed in fruit salads and smoothies

Peel kiwi

The delicious kiwis are extremely rich in vitamins and the ideal snack in between. It is enough to split the kiwi in the middle and spoon out the pulp with a spoon. It is different, for example, with a fruit salad. For such use, it is necessary to peel the kiwi.

Worth knowing about the kiwi

The low-calorie kiwi is full of vitamins and minerals. It is one of the most nutritious fruits and provides the body additionally with plenty of fiber for a good digestion. Scientific studies show that regular consumption of kiwifruit has a very positive impact on human health.

The bowl of kiwi is actually edible, but you should only consume an organic kiwi with shell. Here you can be sure that you have refrained from treating the shell with pesticides. If the hairs on the shell disturb, you can remove them with a vegetable brush.

How is a kiwi peeled clean?

When processing all types of fruit and vegetables, there are tips and tricks on how best to proceed, including peeling the kiwi.
For very ripe fruits this trick works very well:

    Cut the ends of the kiwi into thin slices. Gently push a spoon under the skin and twist it around the pulp. When the shell is completely detached, it can be torn open with fingers and removed.

For quite strong kiwis, go a little differently:

    Cut both ends of the fruit with a knife. Put the fruit on a work board. Use a sharp knife to cut the bowl from top to bottom in thin strips. Follow the contour of the kiwi. This method has the advantage that the pulp does not come into contact with the small hairs on the shell.

You can also peel off solid kiwis with a peeler. Cut the ends of the fruit in thin slices and start to peel thin strips of skin with the peeler from top to bottom.

The glass trick

If you do not have a suitable knife and a spoon at hand, but would still like to eat a kiwi, a drinking glass is enough for peeling. However, you must first halve the fruit lengthwise. This is also a necessity with a butter knife. Now press the kiwi with the cut surface on the upper edge of the glass. The edge should slide under the kiwi skin. With a little pressure, pull the fruit down so that the pulp is released with the glass. At the end you hold the bowl in your hand, half the kiwi lies in the glass.