What to do if the jaw loses needles? - Help and tips

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
Bone Loss Around Your Teeth | The Real Cause Will Shock You | The Side Effects Are DEADLY
Video: Bone Loss Around Your Teeth | The Real Cause Will Shock You | The Side Effects Are DEADLY


If the needles are strong, that does not necessarily have to be a cause for concern

What to do if the jaw loses needles? - Help and tips

The needle dress of your jaw has been worrying you recently? After a brown color, the leaves finally fall down? These symptoms are not uncommon and need not even be worrying. Nevertheless, care mistakes or illnesses can not be ruled out. Find out how you can determine the cause of your jaw dropping and what treatment options are available here.

The most common causes

Needle loss for a jaw usually requires three different factors:

Interpret symptoms and recognize causes

Here is a list of different triggers for needle loss in your jaw:

Natural leaf change

Although the pine is an evergreen conifer, yet it throws off their old needles from the age of three years. These periods occur unevenly, can occur every two years or only after a decade. Previously, the needles are discolored because the pine pulls its nutrients back inside to preserve them. Practice patience, soon new impulses will show themselves.


If your jaw is over five years old, forgiving you relocation is difficult. To implement the conifer, you must damage its roots, which can lead to a nutrient deficiency. One possible solution is transplanting the jaws in stages. The new location should be watered irresistibly - even on rainy days.

The floor

An impermeable bottom prevents sufficient supply of oxygen to the roots. Also keep in mind that the pine will form a deep tap root over time. If these hit compact soil in the soil, their growth is inhibited. Mulch and compost, as well as the regular loosening of the earth's surface provide a remedy.
Even an unfavorable pH could be due to needle shedding. Optimally, this is 5.5-6.5. If necessary, use conifer fertilizer and use only soft water for casting.

Snowy winter

Pines lose moisture even in winter. If the ground is frozen, but free of snow, the conifer does not manage to compensate for the loss of water. Here you can help with heavy watering.


The most common pests of the pine are

The pine tensioner can be expelled with a treatment of neem or rapeseed oil, while the radical removal of all affected plant parts helps against the pine tree.

The pine dying

It is considered to be one of the most dangerous diseases, which unfortunately continues to spread throughout Europe. Only the complete elimination of all affected branches helps to kill the pine.