So plant nasturtium properly - the best tips

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 21 January 2021
Update Date: 3 July 2024
Nasturtiums: The Plant You’re Not Growing (But Should Be)
Video: Nasturtiums: The Plant You’re Not Growing (But Should Be)


So plant nasturtium properly - the best tips

Nasturtium does not need much to be happy. Nevertheless, the right location and the optimal timing for planting are crucial for a prosperous flowering. They also like to be attacked by lice, which you can prevent by the right plants.

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The best floor

If the nasturtium is on a poor soil, then it will bloom abundantly. On the other hand, if the soil is very nutrient-rich, then this will benefit the leaves, but you will have to do without blooms. A loamy and, if possible, calcareous soil is ideal for your nasturtium, it may also be a bit sandy.

The right location

Nasturtium is pretty undemanding. It grows well even in the shade and delights with its colorful flowers. If she had the choice, she would prefer a sunny location. Since she grows quite luxuriant and likes to grow, she needs a lot of space. A brace can show you the direction of growth. This can be a decorative trellis or a simple fence.

The best planting time

Since the Nasturtium is not hardy, it should not be planted outdoors until about mid-May, when the icy saints are over and thus the risk of night frosts. If you have decided on a small cultivar that you would like to put in a planter, then of course you are independent in time. However, you should then ensure a frost-free location. The nasturtium does not survive the first frost, which is why many plants are mistaken for annuals.

The multiplication

The easiest way is the propagation of nasturtium by seeds. These are available in nurseries and specialty shops, but also in the supermarket. You can also collect the seeds of your own plants when they have flowered. The sowing can be done after the Eisheiligen directly into the field.

The propagation by cuttings succeed in the nasturtium. Immediately after cutting, plant your cuttings in a pot of potting soil and place this pot in a warm place. For rooting the plantlets need temperatures of 20 to 25 ° C and about one week time.

Nasturtium as a lice catcher

Not only humans but also aphids love nasturtium. You can take advantage of this by planting nasturtium among your roses, for example. Then the lice will probably populate the nasturtium and spare your roses.

Nasturtium can also serve in the cabbage. However, the plant becomes almost unusable for your own consumption. For this purpose you should plan some plants in another location.

The essentials in brief:

Tips & Tricks

If you have enough seeds, then sow capuchin cress between your roses as a lice catcher.