How is the Kalanchoe properly repotted?

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 24 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Repot a Kalanchoe Paddle Plant : Gardening With Flowers & Succulents
Video: How to Repot a Kalanchoe Paddle Plant : Gardening With Flowers & Succulents


Sufficient space in the pot is the basic requirement for healthy growth

How is the Kalanchoe properly repotted?

The Kalanchoe is considered extremely frugal, but like all plants at regular intervals need a new planter. This nursing measure is quite simple, although it is important to pay attention to some basic things when repotting.

The right time

It is ideal to give the succulents a bigger pot in early spring, at the beginning of the growing season. That it is time to repot, you recognize that the rosette-shaped leaves cover the entire bottom of the pot or already protrude beyond. Grow roots from the vent hole, you can repot in the fall.

The right planter

Kalanchoen form a rather broad, flat-forming root system. For this reason, shallow bowls are ideal for the pretty plants. Look for good drainage as Kalanchoen will respond to waterlogging with root rot.

Which substrate is suitable?

Conventional potting soil, in which Kalanchoen are usually found when buying, are actually unsuitable for these plants. Better use a 50:50 mixture of:

These promote the ventilation of the roots, which has a very positive effect on growth. In addition, excess water runs off faster and the earth does not bite.

How to repackage?

First remove the plant from the old pot and then proceed as follows:


After repotting you do not have to fertilize the Kalanchoe for a whole year. During this period, the plant is sufficient for the long-term fertilizer added to the commercial substrate.