Which pomelo varieties are there?

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 18 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
Pomelo - different varieties
Video: Pomelo - different varieties


Which pomelo varieties are there?

About what the pomelo - a large, rather sweet-tasting citrus from the grapefruit family - actually actually is, the ghosts argue. Because under this name, a whole series of quite different citrus fruits gather.

What is a pomelo?

First of all, the pomelo is not a species name. Fruit and plant are always among the genuine grapefruit, d. H. Basically, the different pomelos commercially available fruits (and also trees) are always a grapefruit species. However, there are differences. In German usage, the word "pomelo" usually refers to the product of a cross between grapefruit and grapefruit, this result of a grapefruit is more similar to a grapefruit and thus also this citrus species is assigned. There are pomelos with light and red flesh.

Appearance of pomelo fruit

The fruit of this hybrid also looks a lot more like a grapefruit than a grapefruit and is almost as big. Pomelos are round or pear-shaped and usually weigh between 500 grams and up to two kilograms. The shell of a ripe pomelo is usually green to greenish yellow. As with the grapefruit, the rule that the fruit tastes sweeter the more reddish the pulp is for the pomelo. The fruits contain few large, angular, in the outline egg-shaped, pale yellow seeds.

Pomelo or grapefruit?

For some years, in German supermarkets fruits under the name "pomelo" are offered, but they are not crossbred, but real grapefruit. This sometimes leads to confusion, because in the taste, the fruit is quite different. But how could this name confusion come? Quite simply: In English, the grapefruit is usually called "pomelo" and is known especially in Asia under this name. So it comes that the pomelo is a traditional Thai fruit, although it was actually "invented" in Israel around 1970. To complete the confusion: In French and Spanish, the word "pomelo" means neither one nor the other, but refers to a grapefruit.

Honey Pomelo

The honey Pomelo (honey pomelo), which is cultivated mainly in southern China, is not a particularly sweet crossbred product, but a selection grapefruit. She is not wrong in her name, because her juicy flesh is actually as sweet as honey and only slightly bitter.

Tips & Tricks

If you are looking for a particularly unusual citrus, then why not try the Tangelo? This is a cross between grapefruit and mandarin, also known as Minneola.