Kaki tree in Germany

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 5 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Kaki / Persimmon Fruit in Germany devastated by Parakeets (Diospyrus kaki, Psittacula krameri)
Video: Kaki / Persimmon Fruit in Germany devastated by Parakeets (Diospyrus kaki, Psittacula krameri)


Kaki tree in Germany

The kaki tree is grown in tropical and subtropical areas. As ornamental, pot or crop plant, it is also becoming more popular in this country. The selection of robust varieties allows cultivation in almost every region of Germany.

The exotic kaki tree is an ebony plant originating from Asia. It is a large tree with elongated leaves and yellow-white flowers. Its apple-sized fruits are usually colored orange and taste very sweet and juicy when ripe. The immature kakis leave a furry feeling on the tongue.

In the German supermarkets different varieties are offered year-round:

The fruits are harvested immature and are well storable. Sharon fruits and persimmons can also be consumed in the immature state, since they contain virtually no tannins.

Free-range farming possible only in vineyards

Diospyros kaki is not hardy. However, cultivation is possible in the winter-mild wine regions of Germany. Even there, the Kübelhaltung is recommended in the first few years. Older plants can be planted in a sunny spot in the garden. For most areas of Germany comes due to the low winter hardness of Diospyros kaki only the bucket culture into consideration. For local climate, the frost-resistant genus Diospyros virginiana is particularly well suited. Their fruits are a bit smaller, but the tree also yields good yields outside the vineyards.

Overwrite kaki trees frost-free

Depending on the variety, the kaki trees have different frost resistance. The outdoor plants can cope with occasional night frosts, but they need winter protection in particularly cold winters. The kakipflanzen that are kept in the bucket are - after they have lost their foliage and the fruits are harvested - winterized frost-free and dark. During hibernation is not fertilized and poured only very sparingly.

Tips & Tricks

The easy-care Kakipflanze thrives best on the neutral and on the loamy soil. It can be raised as a semi- and a high-stem as well as a trellis. The fruits are ripe between October and November.