Maintaining Jasmine - That's how it's done!

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 4 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Maintaining Jasmine - That's how it's done! - Garden
Maintaining Jasmine - That's how it's done! - Garden


Jasmine wants to be well groomed

Maintaining Jasmine - That's how it's done!

The perennial jasmine flowers only abundantly if all claims regarding care are met. What you need to consider if you want to maintain jasmine in the tub, in the flower window or on the balcony.

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How is Jasmine poured?

During the growing season jasmine needs a lot of moisture. Pour the plant in a pot or bucket regularly. If the jasmine is directly in the sun, you need to water more often. When caring in the flower window you provide by spraying for high humidity.

Waterlogging does not tolerate waterlogging. Shake off excess irrigation water immediately. Make sure that waterlogging never occurs.

Use the softest possible rainwater to spray jasmine. If necessary, also stale tap water.

How much fertilizer does the plant need?

Freshly transplanted plants in spring need no fertilizer. They are fertilized for the first time only after a few weeks.

All other Jasmine should be fertilized with a liquid flower fertilizer at least every two weeks.

Does jasmine have to be repotted?

Always replant jasmine when the roots grow out of the pot. If the plant suffers from a lack of nutrients, which is noticeable by yellow leaves, you should plant the jasmine in fresh soil.

The best time to repot is spring, when you bring the jasmine out of the winter quarters.

When and how is jasmine cut?

Jasmine only blooms on young shoots. Cut the plant best in February or March. Remove older shoots. At the interfaces, the jasmine branches and becomes bushy overall.

At least every three to four years you should rejuvenate the jasmine by cutting it back to one third. The plant then expires one to two years with the flower.

Which diseases occur?

Diseases only occur if the jasmine is too moist or too dry. Provide good ventilation to prevent mold and fungal attack.

Which pests should be considered?

Especially in winter quarters are more common aphids, mealybugs and spider mites to the problem. Heavy infestation indicates that the plant is too warm or not well ventilated.

Even in the flower window pests occasionally occur. You prevent it if you ventilate the site regularly.

Does Jasmin have to be wintered?

True jasmine is not hardy - unlike Fake jasmine or scented jasmine. Therefore, always pull the plant in a pot or in a bucket.

Jasmine gets well in summer a stay on the terrace or the balcony. As soon as it gets cold outside, the plant has to be brought into the house.


If the jasmine does not bloom anymore, even though you care for it properly, the plant is too old. Here, a rejuvenation that you perform in the spring helps. You cut off all old shoots.