Tips for taking care of Japanese horsetail

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 23 June 2021
Update Date: 1 May 2024


Good care rewards the Japanese Horsetail with lush green tones

Tips for taking care of Japanese horsetail

Among the decorative and very easy to care for water plants for ponds and tubs is the Japanese horsetail. You can hardly go wrong with care. How To Care Japanese Horsetail.

Can Japanese Horsetail dry out for a short time?

Short periods of drought do not affect the Japanese horsetail. Longer drying times should be prevented by filling the pond or bucket.

Does Japanese horsetail need fertilizer?

Japanese horsetail, like all horsetails, is not demanding. Fertilizer is usually not necessary. If the plant cares, you can use special fertilizer in spherical form.

Does Japanese Horsetail have to be cut?

You only have to cut the plant if it grows too close. It can then regrow no new shoots more. Light the horsetail in the pond or bucket by cutting out older shoots near the ground.

The sprouts should be removed as soon as possible, as horsetail proliferates over the spores.

Should horsetail be shared?

For care in the pot you should take out Japanese horsetail every two to three years. Divide the rhizomes into two or more parts. Put only one part back in the bucket and dispose of the rest.

The Japanese Horsetail also thanks you for keeping in the pond if you rejuvenate it every few years by sharing.

What care does Japanese horsetail need in a bucket?

The care of Japanese horsetail in the bucket is no different from the care in the pond. At most you need to refill more water in the pot, as the evaporation is higher.

To combat mosquitoes you can let the plant substrate dry out for a very short time, as the mosquito larvae do not survive drought. The dry phase must never last longer than a day or two.

Must Japanese horsetail be wintered?

Japanese horsetail is very hardy in the pond. In case of very strong frost, it may make sense to cover the plant with brushwood.

When maintaining in the bucket you should overwinter Japanese Horsetail frost-free.


Japanese horsetail is just as toxic as the marsh horsetail. Therefore, carefully dispose of cut plant parts. Under no circumstances may Japanese horsetail be eaten.