Tips for taking care of Ilex crenata (Japanese holly)

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 10 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Prune Japanese Holly (Ilex crenata) Selectively V2.0
Video: Prune Japanese Holly (Ilex crenata) Selectively V2.0


The Ilex crenata likes sun and slightly damp soil

Tips for taking care of Ilex crenata (Japanese holly)

It is no wonder that the Japanese holly Ilex crenata threatens to replace the boxwood as a hedge plant. Unlike the book, Ilex crenata is hardly susceptible to disease. The care is quite simple, so the holly is an ideal beginner's plant.

How to pour Ilex crenata correctly?

Ilex crenata tolerates neither too much nor too little moisture. Waterlogging must be avoided at all costs.

Provide a water-permeable floor or drain in the bucket.

Rainwater is best for pouring. If you need to supply the holly with tap water, allow the water to stand for some time.

When and how is Ilex crenata fertilized?

Fertilization is only necessary with very young plants. If you do not want to do without fertilizer, use organic materials such as compost and horn shavings. Fertilize less than too much.

From the end of July Ilex crenata is no longer fertilized.

Do you have to cut the Japanese holly?

You do not have to cut the Ilex. If you like it, just let it grow. He can handle a pruning but very well. If you want to cut into shape, keep in mind that holly is one of the slow-growing trees.

When do you have to transplant or repot Ilex crenata?

In the field you should transplant Ilex crenata only if it is unavoidable.

After a few years of care in the pot, it may be necessary to replant the ilex because the roots do not have enough space left.

Which diseases and pests can occur?

Diseases are very rare and usually due to care mistakes. In very humid situations, it can lead to fungal diseases.

Spider mites usually occur in very dry times.

A healthy Ilex crenata copes well with diseases and pests. Only weakened plants can die if infested.

How do you overwinter the Japanese holly?


Ilex crenata prefers a location that is as bright as possible. Directly into a wind tunnel you should not plant the Japanese holly. The soil must not be too acidic.