Snowball hydrangea "Annabelle": Easily multiply by division or cuttings

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 10 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Snowball hydrangea "Annabelle": Easily multiply by division or cuttings - Garden
Snowball hydrangea "Annabelle": Easily multiply by division or cuttings - Garden


The Hydrangea Annabell is best propagated through cuttings or division

Snowball hydrangea "Annabelle": Easily multiply by division or cuttings

Hydrangeas, including the popular because of their large, creamy-white umbels flower viburnum "Annabelle" can be easily propagated by division or cuttings.

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Sharing hydrangea "Annabelle" correctly

With age, the rhizome of the snowball hydrangea "Annabelle" grows so much that it develops numerous shoots. Thus, this hydrangea variety is wonderful for propagation through division, which is best - as in all spring and Sommerblühern - made after the flowering in the fall. Alternatively, a division of the rootstock in the spring, before the shoot, possible. When dividing, make sure that each section has at least one flare.

Step-by-step instructions for the division

For the division, the following procedure has proved best:

You can easily divide large rhizomes into four to five parts.

Cutting cuttings

Cuttings from the snowball hydrangea "Annabelle" are best cut in spring or early summer, at best in combination with the early pruning. Choose lightly woody or woody shoots. As a rule, cuttings are taken at the end of the drive, they are called head cuttings. For longer shoots, you can also cut them into several parts.

The young hydrangeas are still very sensitive and should not stay outdoors for at least the first winter, but overwinter instead in a frost-free but cool and bright place.

Tips & Tricks

Alternatively, an increase in subsidence is possible, which have formed sufficient roots only after one year.