Garden design with a hornbeam hedge

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 8 May 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
A focus on Hornbeam hedging: All you need to know about Carpinus betulus
Video: A focus on Hornbeam hedging: All you need to know about Carpinus betulus


Hornbeam hedges may e.g. used for bedding limitation

Garden design with a hornbeam hedge

Hornbeam hedges are ideal for laying on property boundaries and directly in the garden. They form after a few years a dense privacy. With a garden design with hornbeam hedges wonderfully different garden areas can be optically separated from each other.

In every season a different leaf color

A hornbeam hedge is not planted because of the inconspicuous flowers, but because of their leafy jewelry.

The leaves have a different color in every season:

The leaves remain hanging on the hornbeam hedge for a very long time. Often they only drop off when the renewal starts in the spring.

As a result, a hornbeam hedge provides good privacy all year round.

Easy care as red beech hedges

A big advantage of landscaping with a hornbeam hedge is that the plants are easier to care for and less selective about the location than red beech.

European beech trees like it a bit warmer, while the hornbeam from the birch family can cope well with cool temperatures.

The hornbeam is a deep root, while the European beech belongs to the Flachwurzlern. Planting a beech hedge close to sidewalks or utility lines can result in the lifting of stone slabs or the bursting of pipes. In the hornbeam this danger does not exist.

Create hornbeam hedges on slopes or in front of fences

Hornbeams tolerate even drier locations quite well. They can even be planted on slopes. This is unthinkable, for example, for a beech.

Hornbeam hedges are so cut compatible that even bows can be cut. This creates passages or sets interesting accents in your garden design.

A hornbeam hedge can also be planted directly in front of a metal fence. This is useful if, for example, you want to keep small dogs or prevent rabbits and other small animals from entering the garden. After a few years, almost nothing is left of the fence.

Hornbeam hedge for natural garden design

Hornbeam hedges are often used as nesting grounds for birds, especially blackbirds. Even many small gardeners feel comfortable in it. A hornbeam hedge is therefore an ideal planting for natural gardens.


One of the most beautiful and oldest examples of garden design with hornbeam hedge can be found in the Saxon town of Pulsnitz. There is the famous, 150 year old arcade, which looks like a fairy tale with its gnarled hornbeams.