Cut hornbeam as tree and shrub - Tutorial with many instructions

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 8 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Hornbeam Masterclass
Video: Hornbeam Masterclass


In the summer, hornbeams for bird protection should be cut only moderately

Cut hornbeam as tree and shrub - Tutorial with many instructions

The native hornbeam inspires as a decorative deciduous tree with natural charm. Its advantages are impressive as a solitary tree and densely leafy shrub. The cut compatibility of Carpinus betulus is legendary and succeed even the untrained hand. A wide range of imaginative design options makes the hornbeam an important element of garden design, when an easy-care and cut-tolerant ornamental wood is on the wish list. This tutorial is full of practical instructions for cutting hornbeams as a tree, shrub and hedge.

Hornbeam - tolerant of many cuts

With a hornbeam, an unpretentious and conciliatory grove finds its way into the garden. The home advantage gives the deciduous tree a robust winter hardinessnot least in a pronounced interface compatibility results. Hornbeams cooperate in educating to majestic deciduous as conciliatory as cultivating as decorative shrub or formal hedge with privacy protection. Calling all ornate hornbeam variants by name would go beyond the scope of this tutorial. The following overview presents popular, traditional and trendy cuts with hints for the best cutting times:

In knowledgeable pruning has the ideal time shifted from June on February, With the help of many years of field trials, experts have found that trees and shrubs are more responsive to pruning in late winter. The St. John's Day at the end of June will remain as a traditional cut-off date for easy care on hedges and tall shrubs.


The today's phrase hanebüchen originally has a close relation to the rough, gnarled wood of a hornbeam. Over the centuries, the term has undergone a change of meaning. Is in modern usage of a "outrageous error" the speech, it is expressed that the person has committed a gross misconduct. If you follow the instructions in this tutorial, at least you will be saved from "outrageous cutting mistakes".

Pruning Guide - Shape and Conservation Cut

By nature, a hornbeam thrives as a medium-sized tree with a conical, later roundish-broad crown. As a free-rooted house tree, the native tree completes the natural garden design magnificently. With special crown shapes and compact growth delightful varieties, such as, Fastigiata 'or, Monumentalis', which are gladly settled in the small garden and front yard.

A well behaved hornbeam remains in the uncut in the first years, Only with advancing age is a pruning in intervals of 4 to 5 years advisable. Exposing deadwood and topping the crown guarantee a neat appearance and gentle growth control. How to properly prune a hornbeam as a free-awake tree:

If too long a branch sticks out of the crown, fix the aesthetic problem with a lead cut. The clever cut technique prevents cutbacks from creating unsightly gaps in the crown image. Do not just cut that branch somewhere. Rather, near the intersection, look for a short, outward-looking runner. At the Crotch of both shoots cut off the too long section. The hitherto subordinate side shoot takes over the leading position, without the cut affecting the harmonious crown image.

A free-standing hornbeam naturally forms a beautiful, rounded crown with a diameter of up to 12 meters. It is lighted and trimmed every 4 to 5 years. Scatter dead wood and unfavorable branches on Astring. Branches protruding from the form guide you to a healthy runner. Below the crown and from the tree disc awake shoots are removed.

Rejuvenate old hornbeam - that's how it works

Uncut, the hornbeam forms an expansive crown with a diameter of 12 meters and beyond. A dense network of old, verkahlten and young, miserable branches makes a normal maintenance cut impossible. Instead of clearing the neglected tree, bring the crown to Raison with a radical pruning. So that your hornbeam earns the name Hausbaum again, breathe it with a rejuvenation cut fresh life courage. How to cut correctly:

With a rejuvenation cut, the pronounced cutting tolerance of a hornbeam plays into your hands. You can rest assured that the tree is also fresh out of its old wood. The secret lies hidden in sleeping eyes, which rest inactive for many years under the bark. The radical pruning acts like a wake-up call and activates the dormant buds. Depending on the overall condition of the hornbeam in question, strong growth sets in as the ideal starting point for the reconstruction of the crown.

As shown in the figure below, the taper cut leaves an empty central drive crown with selected guide branches bearing few, promising side shoots. You can cushion the clearcut by deriving as many old branches as possible on young side branches.

When rejuvenating a hornbeam crown, cut all the feathers back by half. Remove dead wood and branches in unfavorable position on Astring.


Cut thick branch in stages - correct cutting technique explained briefly

An old hornbeam sometimes confronts the gardener with a thick, old branch that can be removed. Sawing in a train carries the risk that the mighty branch breaks off and leaves an irreversible wound on the tree. With the right cutting technique you prevent the mishap expert. First cut the branch from the bottom to the middle at a distance of 40 centimeters from the actual interface. Then move the saw to the right or left to saw from above until the branch breaks off. Support the stump with one hand while cutting the piece on Astring.

Build up hornbeam shrub gradually

With an annual increase of 30 to 35 centimeters, a hornbeam shrubs as a shrub much too fast in the air, at the same time branching densely. It is necessary to slow down the rate of growth and redirect plant energy into subordinate buds. This succeeds with one stepwise construction cut, A conical section profile with a broad base and a narrow crown makes an important contribution to the light intake deep into the shrub interior, so that photosynthesis can take place and the leaves sprout. How to complete the perfect construction cut on the hornbeam shrub:

The recommended gradual education up to the final height, the growth law of top-level promotion goes into effect. This law states that hornbeam, like almost all plants, grows most at their shoot tips. Tip buds are preferably energized to grow to light the quickest way. The further a bud is away from the top position, the lower the growth. As a body cut continuously removes tip buds, lower eyes will benefit from the increased juice pressure and expectorate. As a result, throttled height growth automatically results in increased spillage of side branches.

In addition to the successive construction section, we recommend one Cutting profile in pyramid shape for your hornbeam shrub. In this way, the sunlight reaches deep into the woody center, because the branches do not shadow each other. The reward for your prudence is a dense foliage dress without disguise from within.

Gradual education with conical profile is rewarded with a wind-stable, bushy-branched hornbeam shrub. Crop last year's growth to 10 centimeters. Strong-bred varieties will be blended again at the end of June. Continue the construction section to the final height.

Hornbeam shrub - nice thanks to Auslichtungsschnitt

Successful hornbeam varieties decorate the garden as a solitary shrub or small group. The pyramidal hornbeam 'Fastigiata' captivates with its columnar silhouette and impressively traverses driveways and avenues with a height of up to 15 meters. Her little sister, the colossal hornbeam 'Frans Fontaine', grows 6 to 8 meters high and decorates the front garden as a slim foliage beauty. In individual position remains well educated Hornbeam shrub beautiful, if you at least cut once a year, If necessary, you can reach for the growth control again at the end of June. How to cut correctly:

If a hornbeam drifts hard in early summer, you should subject the shrub to a care cut between the end of June (Johannistag) and the middle of July. Examine the wood in advance breeding birds, Should you find something, move The cutting time to August. Cut this year's growth back to an outward leaf or bud.


Electric shrub shear leaves battered foliage dress

The hornbeam inspires with a beautiful foliage dress. Their summer green, ovate to elliptical leaves are eight inches long and five inches wide. With bright golden autumn color, the deciduous wood completes the gardening season magnificently. To ensure that the decorative foliage survives a cut without injuries, mechanically operated shrub shears are out of place. In the mutually running knife bars, hornbeam leaves can become hopelessly tangled, are torn and stand there for the rest of the year with brown leaf margins. Always cut a hornbeam as a tree, shrub and hedge with one-hand or two-handed scissors.

Cut hornbeam hedge twice a year

A stepwise construction cut, as described for the solitary shrub, is also advantageous for a hornbeam hedge. When the final height is reached, the cut care results in a regular shaping and care cut. At least one is cut twice a yearRegardless of the phase in which the hedge is located. This is how an exemplary hedgecut succeeds:

Please carefully examine the hedge before each cut for hibernating or breeding birds. If you find it, the cut will be postponed until later. It is easily possible to pruning a hornbeam hedge in mid-August when the brood-business is finished. From early September, the hedge trimmer should rest, so that shoots mature in time for the first frost.

Formal hornbeam hedges cut into shape in February and again in late June to mid-July. Stretched cords mark the advantageous trapezoidal shape for a light-flooded growth.


You would like to deepen your knowledge about the cut of a hornbeam as a hedge? Then we recommend our umfases tutorial for perfect hedge trimming. Read well-founded instructions on the structure, care and rejuvenation of an opaque, shapely hornbeam hedge.


Rejuvenate old hornbeam shrubs

Failed cut care goes on hornbeam shrubs not without a trace. Within a few years, the deciduous trees turn into solitary or hedge in an unsightly and impenetrable scrub. For a subsequent conservation cut, it is now too late and too early for clearing. With a rejuvenation cut, you revitalize the hornbeam and then initiate the rebuilding. The risk of total failure is significantly minimized if you are in two stages Action. How to do it right:

From the third year you rejuvenate rejuvenated hornbeam shrubs as solitaire or hedge. Step by step, leaving no more than 10 centimeters in height and width each year. The shoots of the first cutting stage are already pushing so hard through to the end of June, that you can initiate the construction cut on these surfaces. Cut the new growth back to a remainder of 5 or 10 centimeters by mid-July. In the early summer after the second rejuvenation stage, the built-up section includes all shrub and hedge areas.

Large, old hornbeam shrubs and hedges are gently rejuvenated over a period of two years. In the first year you cut back the crown and a page by three quarters. In the second year you shorten the opposite side as well as the hedge flanks. Following this, the cut care is dedicated to a rebuilding.


Radical pruning takes place in winter, so that spring does not stop

Nobody can close their eyes to the dramatic stock situation of our breeding birds. One of the many causes of the unabated decline is uncontrolled pruning in the middle of the breeding season. The Federal Nature Conservation Act pushes the one bar. Between March 1st and September 30th are cutting measures on trees and shrubs forbidden, Auslichten, on-the-floor-set and other radical cuts are permitted from October 1 to February 28, under the condition that there are no wild animals in the wood. Slight care may be taken during the summer, if there are no bird nests in the wood and the cut is limited to this year's growth.

frequently asked Questions

Is the hornbeam poisonous?

No, a hornbeam does not contain any toxic substances. There are no toxins in leaves, shoots, roots, flowers, seeds and fruits. For animals there is no danger from the popular hedge plant. Satisfied with land, gardens, paddocks and pastures, the hornbeam is an excellent choice.

Can I raise a young hornbeam myself to the Hochstamm? If yes, how does it work?

You can easily raise a seedling to a high stem. Pick the strongest shoot and set aside a support post. Connect the shoot and support with soft hose ties that do not cut into the young bark. All vertical competition drives cut off the floor. Side shoots along the future trunk are also removed.Guide the center drive up its support to a height of 2.20 to 2.50 meters. Now cut the point, whereupon the branching to the crown begins. The hornbeam forms a beautiful crown from trunk extension and 4 to 6 evenly arranged guide branches. Below the crown sprouting branches please cut off.

Is the common hornbeam suitable for keeping in a large bucket?

Bucket keeping of a hornbeam is no problem if optimal water and nutrient supply is guaranteed during the summer months. During the cold season, make sure that the soil does not dry out. Furthermore, there is only a limited frost tolerance in the pot. It is imperative that you wrap the bucket with foil, fleece or a potato sack and push a block of wood under the floor.

For my garden, I plan a narrow, about 50 centimeters wide hedge of pyramid hornbeam. Is the variety 'Fastigiata' suitable for this? How many plants are needed for 1 meter?

The excellent cut tolerance of hornbeam allows cultivation as a narrow hedge. If you cut regularly, you can cut pyramidal hornbeams to a width of 30 to 50 centimeters. For this purpose, cut the hedge two to three times a year, in February, at the end of June and, if necessary, one last time in August. As part of the hedge planting we recommend 3 plants per meter.

Nurseries offer the hornbeam as a winter-green shrub or tree. Does it mean that the plant retains the foliage over the winter?

The local site conditions significantly influence how long a hornbeam wears its leaves. In wind-protected locations, the foliage usually falls from the middle of December. Signs of long-lasting foliage look good when mild weather with enough moisture dominates in the fall. In dry autumn weather, we recommend that you continue to water regularly and abundantly so that the foliage is not thrown off as a result of drought.

My freshly planted hornbeam hedge should be 2 meters high. At the beginning of July, the bushes grew 1 to 1.50 meters high with fairly thin peaks. Can I cut back the hedge to 80 centimeters or do I have to wait with the pruning until reaching the final height?

The earlier the cut care of a hornbeam hedge begins, the denser the shrubs branch. We recommend a timely pruning to promote branching in the lower hedge area. In July is a good cutting time, as long as you do not cut in high heat and under blazing sunlight.

The 3 most common cut defects

If the hornbeam with a bald, shapeless silhouette is a nuisance, the gardener has made a mistake. So that you can look forward to a well-kept appearance of tree, shrub and hedge for a long time, the following table draws attention to the three most common mistakes of a cut care and gives helpful tips for the prevention:


Hornbeams enter into a symbiotic partnership with mycorrhizal fungi, which is beneficial for both sides. As a result, bare root seedlings hardly grow in the first few years, because the symbiosis first establishes itself underground. It is advisable to purchase a large hornbeam as a tree or shrub with root ball in the container.