Gymnocalycium - The proper care of the desert cactus

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 4 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Learn how to properly care for Gymnocalycium mihanovichii "Moon Cactus"!
Video: Learn how to properly care for Gymnocalycium mihanovichii "Moon Cactus"!


The Gymnocalycium is poured from below

Gymnocalycium - The proper care of the desert cactus

Gymnocalycium is the botanical name of various desert cactus species. He remains very small even in old age. The flowers are completely hairless. Gymnocalycium is not only cultivated for the flowers, but also because of the often very decorative thorns. Tips for care.

How do you pour Gymnocalycium properly?

During the growth phase, the root ball should never completely dry out. Waterlogging must be avoided at all costs.

Since Gymnocalycium does not tolerate water on the shoots, pour it from below. Put it in a coaster in which you pour lime-free water. Liquid that has not been absorbed by the substrate after ten minutes at the latest will be dumped.

Do you need to fertilize the desert cactus?

It is sufficient if you fertilize the cactus every 14 days from April to August with some high-calorie liquid fertilizer.

When is it time to repot?

Once the pot is completely rooted, the Gymnocalycium needs a new jar. Check in spring if the cactus still has enough space. In doing so, shake off the old substrate and replace it with fresh ones.

After repotting, you must not fertilize the cactus for several months.

Will Gymnocalycium be cut?

The cactus itself will not cut. Dried shoots may be removed.

If side shoots form, you can cut them to grow new cacti.

Which diseases and pests should be considered?

When waterlogged the Gymnocalycium suffers from root rot and enters. Stains on the shoots arise either because the cactus was poured from above or by fungal infestation.

As with all cacti, lice and mealybugs occur more frequently. They are recognizable by small webs and sticky surface.

How do you maintain Gymnocalycium in winter?

Gymnocalycium is not hardy. In winter, the cactus needs a phase in which it is made cooler. Optimal temperatures are around eight degrees. The winter location must be very bright, like sunny.

In winter you can do without watering. If necessary, you should administer a few drops of water in larger intervals.


The variety Gymnocalycium mihanovichii is also called strawberry cactus. This cactus variety is grafted on to other types of cacti because it does not develop chlorophyll and therefore is not viable by itself. Her trivial name owes her red color.