Successfully grow cucumbers - know how

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 15 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Grow Cucumbers - Complete Growing Guide
Video: How to Grow Cucumbers - Complete Growing Guide


Successfully grow cucumbers - know how

Gaining cucumber seeds and growing cucumbers - preferably from the favorite varieties in your own garden - are more and more recreational gardeners. If you want to grow cucumbers, you should know the propagation rules that are relevant for cucumbers and select the seed of cucumbers correctly or pull them yourself.

Growing cucumbers - from 1 to many - easy and effective

A greenhouse offers optimal conditions to successfully grow cucumbers yourself. In a protected atmosphere germination and cultivation succeed faster and safer than under the open sky. The balanced, humid and wind-protected climate under glass, the cucumber plants bloom faster. Harvest of the first cucumbers is from July.

For outdoor cucumbers in the garden or on the balcony is harvest from August to the end of October. The best time to plant cucumbers outdoors is mid-May. Anyone who values ​​high-yield and healthy plants can apply the following proven breeding measures:

Cucumber Propagation over cuttings works very rarely with cucumbers. In addition, you can not hibernate cucumbers.

How to make cucumber seeds from a cucumber

Only from a fully ripe cucumber you can grow germinable seed. Germinate, ripe seeds are recognizable when you open the seeds. If the contents are firm, flat and whitish, they are mature seeds. Only a thin cuticle in the nucleus is immature or unfertilized.

To remove the seeds, open the cucumber and trigger the seeds. Rinse seeds in the sieve and dry on absorbent paper for 2 days. Then store the seed dark and dry until sowing. Do not forget - note seed and harvest date!

Refine cucumbers and grow your own cucumber

Finishing cucumbers makes it possible to grow together two different varieties of seedlings that complement each other in their positive qualities. For this purpose, cucumbers with positive characteristics are used for pest and disease resistant pumpkin rootstocks.

More harvest success through outbreeding

Picking cucumbers is recommended to achieve a more productive harvest. And those who want to harvest cucumbers in abundance, should break out the first cucumber blossom. This requires a lot of energy and prevents further flowering and fruiting approaches.

Tips & Tricks

To successfully grow cucumbers, make sure that the temperature never drops below 20 degrees. Cucumbers only grow healthy and tasty when heat is sufficient.