Help, my rubber tree loses all leaves!

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 13 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Help a Rubber Tree Plant That Is Losing Leaves
Video: How to Help a Rubber Tree Plant That Is Losing Leaves


The panic is great when the rubber tree drops its leaves

Help, my rubber tree loses all leaves!

Since the gum tree can not shine with lush flower decoration, its increasing attractiveness is obviously in its extraordinary leaves. It is even worse if they turn brown or even fall off. Now, swift and deliberate intervention is required.

However, not every falling leaf is a cause for concern. The lower leaves fall off regularly. With age, the rubber tree develops a more or less bare trunk, after all, it is a tree. In this case, however, he should develop a beautiful crown. If this does not happen then you may help with cutting.

Why does my rubber tree lose all leaves?

In addition to improper care, an inappropriate location, an illness or infestation with pests may be the cause. Here you have to do a bit of detective work. Does he get enough light and heat or is he even in the draft?

To wet soil or a pest infestation are relatively easy to recognize. For example, spider mites can be recognized by their fine cobalt on the leaves. The rubber tree needs only every six weeks, some fertilizer. If he got too much, it could be the cause of the loss of the leaves.

Possible causes for discarding the leaves:

Can I still save my rubber tree?

Put your rubber tree in the best possible position you can offer it. If the soil is too wet, it should be replaced. On this occasion you can repot the tree immediately. Pour it less in the future. If you take too much fertilizer, do without it for a few months. If, on the other hand, you have been fertilized too seldom, then get the due fertilization now.


In the event of excessive leaf loss, first check the location and care of your rubber tree as well as possible pest infestation. Mostly the cause is found so fast.