Eat tomatoes - with this guide, it will certainly succeed

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 13 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Gumball | Darwin’s Potato Diet | The Potato | Cartoon Network
Video: Gumball | Darwin’s Potato Diet | The Potato | Cartoon Network


Eat tomatoes - with this guide, it will certainly succeed

Actually, you would really enjoy growing your own tomatoes - if only you could not earn money? This hurdle shrinks immediately if you follow the instructions below. What it is and how it works.

Why hobby gardeners auszie her tomato plants

Countless myths and even more opinions surround the subject. At the same time, the meaning and purpose of the licensing of tomato plants is quickly explained. The focus is on the goal of rooting out a plant of voluminous fruit than it would actually like to form.

A tomato naturally aspires to a lushly branched habit instead of climbing the sky. For this purpose, she trains numerous side shoots. This process takes place at the expense of the Fruchtbehangs, for which simply not enough plant energy remains. Therefore, smart hobby gardeners remove unwanted side shoots - also called Geiztriebe. As a result, tomato plants grow in height and form splendid, plump fruit.

To remove facial expressions, gardeners call out. Tomato plants should be able to keep their energy and not supply nutrients and water to unnecessary shoots. Since the plant is still far from beaten after a single exercise, you can not avoid a permanent repetition of this nursing measure.

Thus, Geiztriebe differ from fruit shoots

Inexperienced hobby gardeners often harbor the fear of accidentally breaking off a fruit impulse. This is especially true when they breed tomatoes for the first time. This danger hardly exists, because you recognize the differences at first sight:

Take a look at the leaf axles, for example, every time you pour them, and you will recognize a sting graft early on. How to remove these unpopular branches is explained in the following sections of this manual.

Properly plant tomato plants

A Geiztrieb you can now unmask at first glance. To safely remove the unwelcome opponent of a lush harvest, do the following:

This care measure is accompanied by an unpleasant smell and by plant-dye-soiled hands. We therefore recommend wearing disposable gloves.

Advice on schedule prevents failure

As soon as the tomato plants have acclimatised in the bed, on the balcony or in the greenhouse, we start. The fight between plant and gardener rages until autumn. Since you are already well versed in the topic, only a failure of the regular license can win the plant. A firmly cemented schedule provides the necessary routine.

Only after harvest, the tomato plants will cease their efforts to allow as many side shoots as possible to thrive.

Geiztriebe are suitable as cuttings

Every Geiz drive has what it takes to become a rival of the main trunk. Thus, there is a considerable vigor in the tiny. This potential can be used excellently for the vegetative propagation, because every Geiztrieb is suitable as an offshoot.

Without a long delay, put a stinghorn in a small pot of vegetable soil. Alternatively, use a mixture of garden soil, compost, sand and a little basalt flour as substrate. The upper third of the cuttings should still look out of the ground. Ideally, pour the tender plantlet from below by placing the pot halfway in water for some time. From a stature height of 10 centimeters you tie the cuttings to small wooden sticks.

With warm temperatures around 20 degrees Celsius, the rooting takes place quickly. Once the young tomato plants have penetrated their pot, repotting or planting in the field is on the program. On the sunny spot, the former stingers flourish splendidly to produce tasty tomatoes this season.

Do not eat these types of tomatoes

Inquiry for the Ausizen come primarily tomato tomatoes. Most other tomato varieties are not suitable for cultivation on a trellis anyway. Which includes:

These tomatoes would not produce much fruit despite the regular removal of geese.

Tips & Tricks

Should a stinging gadget ever muddle through and reach a stately size, the breakout will cause a significant wound. In this unique case, just remove the shoot tip to prevent a bloating flower and leave the shoot in place.