Are lucky chestnuts toxic to cats?

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 16 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
EXPERIMENTATION TIME: Can horse chestnuts be made edible?
Video: EXPERIMENTATION TIME: Can horse chestnuts be made edible?


Lucky chestnuts pose no danger to cats

Are lucky chestnuts toxic to cats?

The lucky chestnut or Pachira aquatica is one of the non-toxic houseplants. Since the plant is not poisonous, you can take care of it, even if you are a cat owner. However, you should better keep your cat away, because by scratching the trunks the lucky chestnut suffers great damage.

Lucky chestnuts are not poisonous but even edible

In their homeland, leaves and fruits of the lucky chestnut are even eaten. Pachira aquatica is therefore one of the indoor plants that you can also keep if you count cats to your household.

There is more danger to the tree by cats. If they annoy or scratch the trunk, it is possible for the pests to invade the money tree.

In general, however, most cats stay away from lucky chestnuts anyway.


In the trunk of the lucky chestnut are plant juices, which are classified as low-toxic for children. Therefore, do not let small children come in contact with the plant.