Fighting greed - the best methods

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 15 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Binding Of Isaac: Afterbirth - How To Fill Greed Machine / Unlock Keeper Guide -
Video: The Binding Of Isaac: Afterbirth - How To Fill Greed Machine / Unlock Keeper Guide -


Giersch proliferates very strong and is difficult to expel

Fighting greed - the best methods

It is not a pretty sight for the dignified, straightforward German gardener when he locates in the lawn at his door Giersch. Immediately, it is stubbornly considering how to remove this weed as quickly as possible, so that the green idyll in the lawn grows as usual. Here we explain what can be done against greed!

Previous article Giersch recognize: flowers, leaves, fruits and more Next article Greed eat - taste, preparation and effect

A dreaded, annoying weed

So that the fight against greed really is successful in the long run, you should first recognize the greed correctly. Is that really greedy in your garden? This herb prefers to grow in the light shade, preferably on moist substrates, preferably on the edge of the wood.

As a next step, you should inform yourself about which survival strategies this weed has. One thing is known: Giersch is outgrowing. But how does he manage that?

Fine work: Eliminate all roots

What helps now? The most effective method of controlling the removal of all Wurzelausläufer has been proven by hand. Granted, that's hard work, but it works! For this it is necessary to eliminate all subterranean shoots or roots, because this prolongs the herb unasked.

You can tear the plantlets out of the ground if it is slightly moist. But deep down, root remains are left over. These must be read out after excavation, for example, with a digger fork. They can grow up to 50 cm deep. It is ideal to use a sieve to read out the root remains.

Any small remnant left in the ground can grow into a new yew! By this you can recognize the foothills or roots:

Chop - never wait until flowering!

Furthermore, you can master the greed by chopping it off regularly. This gradually robs the plant of the power until it eventually comes. Always do this before inserting the flower! Otherwise, you may be promoting self-seed sowing. Start with it in the spring.

Get rid of the greed with ground cover

Here's another strategy against the greed explains:

Cover the greed to destroy it?

Even the covering of the wild herb has proven itself. Maybe this is your drug of choice, because it is the least effort. However, this is a lengthy method. It lasts 2 to 3 years and is not 100% successful.

The purpose is to stifle the greed with a fleece, foil or cardboard with bark mulch. The eradication takes place gradually. The disadvantage of this method: The seeds can survive, because they remain germinable for many years.

Weed killer? Only if it can not be otherwise

Weed killers based on chemistry should be just a stopgap. To use poison in your own garden, you should think carefully before. For example, the long-term effects of herbicides with the active ingredient glyphosate are unclear. In any case, this ingredient is in a bad light.

Do not use such a spray! Not only for the sake of the environment and for your own health, but also because herbicides - even those with glyphosate - are often ineffective against greed. The root system survives.

Other options that are less effective

You can also try the following measures in the fight against greed:

Learning to love and eat greed

Of course it can also be completely different. The choice is yours, whether you regard greed as an enemy or as a friend. This wild plant is not poisonous, but can even do good for your health!

You can eat Giersch! He is a tasty, vitalstoffreiche and free alternative to parsley. You can use it for stews, pesto and spinach, for example. By the way, the plant helps with gout, rheumatism and digestive problems and it does your body with its high content of iron, vitamin C and potassium a blessing.


Attention: The rhizomes of the yaw are stimulated by simply chopping or cutting through.