The 5 best tips against clover in the lawn

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 1 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
How to Get Rid of Crabgrass & Clover in the Lawn - Weed Control Like a Pro
Video: How to Get Rid of Crabgrass & Clover in the Lawn - Weed Control Like a Pro


The 5 best tips against clover in the lawn

The feelings of happiness are limited when the hobby gardener with lawn discovers four-leaf clover. Despite the pretty flowers, nobody wants to have this weed invasion in its green carpet. We have the best 5 tips on how to safely remove clover.

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Tip 1: Manually combat with perseverance

In order to remove the widespread white clover from the lawn, hobby gardeners opt for a manual cultivation with a nature-cultivated garden. Since white clover is less persistent than its peers, there is a good chance of success. In the early stage of infestation by sour or horny clover, the following methods are also used to reliably remove the weeds:

Plucking the clover out of the grass by hand only works sporadically. All types of clover have a deep tap root, with the help of which they anchor themselves in the ground. As long as only a tiny remnant of this root remains in the soil, the Scourge of amateur gardening sprouts cheerfully on.

Recognize clover in the lawn correctly

The most important types of clover, which can colonize your lawn, differ both visually and in their ecological classification sometimes considerably. Since the most effective methods of control result from the knowledge of the respective Kleeart, the following table lists outstanding features for a secure identification:

Tip 2: Clover with foil to decouple the air

To remove clover from the lawn manually, a not inconsiderable force is required, combined with a good dose of perseverance. Less sudorific, you defile Klee by preventing the weed from photosynthesis. This succeeds with a black foil that does not let a single ray of light through. How to proceed:

When you remove the foil, both the clover and the lawn have retreated. However, in contrast to weeds, the blades of grass recover again when they are supplied with a special ration of fertilizer. To remove clover, this method is only recommended for small turf.

Tip 3: Mechanically tackle clover in the lawn

If Klee has spread invasively over the entire lawn, hobby gardeners are at a loss with manual methods. To effectively remove the weeds requires mechanical assistance from the scarifier. In April and September are the best dates for this type of weed control. How to do it right:

Scarifiers are special devices that scratch the ground 3-5 millimeters deep, combing out the clover and moss. What remains are the blades of the lawn, which thanks to the subsequent supply of nutrients close the gaps quickly. If you remove a large amount of clover while scarifying, re-seeding promotes the growth of the lawn in a particularly bare spot.


Anyone who quarrels with particularly stubborn clover in the turf, consult the lunar calendar. Maybe there is something in the world when experts recommend the time of full moon and waning moon as the ideal time for weed control. From the new moon, the weeds then gather fresh energy for a new beginning. Until then, the clover should be ready to go.

Tip 4: Use chemistry to tackle the problem of the clover root

If Klee can not be removed with either manual or mechanical methods, there are three alternatives to choose from for further action. Either turn the lawn into a meadow, put on a new lawn or swing the chemical club. The following preparations receive consistently good ratings to specifically remove clover from the lawn:

Two aspects play an important role in the choice of the drug. The product must be especially suitable for use on grass and act against dicotyledonous weeds. Much praised panacea, such as Roundup or glyphosate, on the other hand, with all the green short process - even with your lawn.

Use herbicides properly against clover

For a weed killer to be able to remove clover from the lawn for a long time, important preparatory work and optimal weather conditions come into focus. Ideal is a mild, frost-free weather. The soil should be warm and dry. To increase the efficiency of clover herbicides in the lawn:

Wear protective work clothes consisting of trousers and long-sleeved top. Caring amateur gardeners also put on a respiratory protection. Since these are liquid preparations, we recommend using the watering can. The fine spray of a pressure sprayer could drift off to the surrounding beds. Do not forget to thoroughly clean the watering can from all residues of the herbicide.

Tip 5: Effectively prevent clover in the lawn - that's how it works

Regardless of the Kleeart, growth in the lawn always indicates a defect. So that you do not even have to deal with the removal of weeds, a professional lawn care serves as an effective prophylaxis. Pay attention to the following care factors, deprive clover in the lawn the livelihood:

Kicking the grass to prevent clover is a double-edged sword. To combat white clover and sorrel, lawn lime works effectively as the preparation raises the pH. But if you are dealing with calf-loving horn clover, you can even grab the weed with the remedy.

Tips & Tricks

Do not feel like weekly mowing in the summer? Then lay out a flower lawn, as the golden middle ground between a uniform ornamental lawn and a knee-high wildflower meadow. This stroke of genius succeeds thanks to a combination of slow-growing grass varieties and small-sized, firm flowers. Mowed here only 2 to 3 times per season.