Maintain gerbera in the garden and on the windowsill

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 4 February 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
Gerbera Care Tips || How to Grow and Care Gerbera || Fun Gardening
Video: Gerbera Care Tips || How to Grow and Care Gerbera || Fun Gardening


Maintain gerbera in the garden and on the windowsill

Gerbera is one of the most sophisticated plants in the flower window. In the garden it is a bit easier to cultivate the tropical plant. You have to keep this in mind when the gerbera is supposed to develop its full bloom and bloom for several years.

Early article Gerbera in the garden or in the pot plant Next article So the Gerbera blooms long in the house and garden

What should be considered when watering gerbera?

Gerbera likes it moist. The earth must never dry out completely. However, it does not tolerate wetness that accumulates at the roots. Therefore always water the plants from below and pour away excess water. In summer you have to give fresh water several times a day.

Even Gerbera in the garden needs plenty of moisture. Therefore, pour regularly, but make sure that no waterlogging occurs.

Which fertilizer does the plant need?

During flowering, gerbera has an increased need for nutrients. If you keep the plant in the bucket on the balcony or terrace, you should give some fertilizer into the irrigation water weekly. But take less than the manufacturer recommends, as excessive fertilizer damages the roots.

In the field, monthly fertilization is sufficient if the soil has been improved with ripe compost before planting the gerbera.

When does gerbera have to be repotted or transplanted?

The roots of Gerbera do not grow very fast. It is therefore sufficient if you repot the plant every two to three years. It is even better if you simply divide too big roots. This will help you to gain new plants.

Since almost all gerbera varieties are not hardy, they must be dug up in the fall and put into a pot.

Does Gerbera need a pruning?

Gerbera will not be cut back. Cut only faded inflorescences and dry leaves as soon as possible. This prolongs the flowering time and keeps the plant compact.

Which diseases and pests can occur in gerbera?

Gerbera is a very robust plant that rarely falls ill or is attacked by pests. This includes:

Gerbera blight is noticeable by a discoloration of the leaves and subsequent rot of the plant. Blame are wrong housing conditions such as temperature or too much fertilizer. A rescue is not possible. Dispose of the plant.

Gray mold shows through a gray coating on the leaves. It arises when the plants are not getting enough air, they are too wet or too cold. Cut off infected leaves and cultivate the plant in a more favorable location.

Is Gerbera hardy?

Except for the variety "Garvinea" Gerbera is not hardy and must be wintered at temperatures around 12 degrees. Even the hardy Garvinea needs a frost protection outdoors.

Tips & Tricks

Did you know that gerberas are right little pollutant filters? They develop bacteria at the roots, which filter pollutants from the air. In winter, the houseplant is therefore not only colorful accents. It also improves the room climate.