How do you destroy daisies?

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024


You can simply eat daisies instead of fighting them chemically

How do you destroy daisies?

For some they are a joy, for the others an eternal suffering - daisies on the lawn. If you want to destroy this weed in your garden, then there are different methods available for it.

For a few daisies on your lawn you do not need to use a chemical club. Here it is enough to weed the plants. It is best to do this before flowering, so that the daisies do not sow themselves. In wet weather, the cutting out of the roots is particularly easy. Use a dandelion dart to make your job easier.

You can remove daisies from lawn with a special herbicide that has been used to kill weeds. In addition to daisies, you destroy other wild herbs and stimulate your lawn to grow thickly. Only use this remedy if there are no children or pets on the area.

Do you have to remove daisies at all?

Even if you have a lot of daisies in your garden, you do not necessarily have to fight them. You can also use the plants for your health or in the kitchen instead. You may also find friends or neighbors who would be happy about a few daisies. Then dig out some plants, put them in a pot and give them away.

The benefits of the daisy

Not only rabbits and other grass-eating animals like daisies, many people also refine their salad or soups with this slightly nutty-tasting weed. You can also do something good for your health. Drink daisy tea in spring, it has a draining effect and purifies the blood. Envelopes with daisies relieve skin rashes and have a wound healing effect.

Process the flowers of your daisies into a flower butter or decorative ice cubes. In this way, you prevent the spread of these plants in your garden at the same time, because they can no longer sow themselves.

The essentials in brief:

Tips & Tricks

The ecologically most meaningful destruction of daisies is the use of the plants. Use daisies in the kitchen or for healing purposes or feed the plants to your rabbits.