The fast growth of the sunflower

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 17 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
Growing Sunflower Time Lapse - Seed To Flower In 83 Days
Video: Growing Sunflower Time Lapse - Seed To Flower In 83 Days


Annual sunflowers grow very fast

The fast growth of the sunflower

Sunflowers are among the most thankful summer flowers. Within a few months they grow to full size and form their radiant flowers. Growth also depends on whether the conditions are favorable.

Fast growth

Annual sunflowers grow quite fast. Within three months, they reach their final height and form one or more flowers depending on the variety.

The growth of a sunflower depends on several factors:

Good care promotes growth

In a sunny spot sunflowers thrive best.

In very rainy summers, sunflowers do not grow as well as in a very warm summer, provided they are watered regularly.

In addition, the summer flowers need many nutrients. Regular fertilization is therefore a prerequisite for good and fast growth.

Tips & Tricks

The long stems of the sunflower are usually not used. Only in the Hungarian lowlands are transverse and other flutes made from the stems.