Gerbera - colorful splendor in the flower window and garden

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 4 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Planting a Whole Bunch of Flower Seeds for the Cut Garden! 🌸🌿🌼 // Garden Answer
Video: Planting a Whole Bunch of Flower Seeds for the Cut Garden! 🌸🌿🌼 // Garden Answer


Gerbera - colorful splendor in the flower window and garden

In how many colors does the popular houseplant and cut flower really shine? An answer to this question does not exist, because the flowers of this tropical plant are available in all colors of the rainbow. Even multi-colored varieties can be moved into the house and garden.

Next article Plant Gerbera in the garden or in the pot

Most popular cut flower in the world

It's no wonder that gerbera has been considered the most popular cut flower in the world for decades. The countless colors, shapes and sizes of the flowers can be wonderfully combined with many other flowers. Even as a single flower Gerbera looks very decorative. It is therefore worthwhile to draw different species in the house or in the garden.

The most frequently represented are the gerbera colors red, orange, yellow, purple, salmon, pink and white. But the two-colored varieties are also very popular. Still quite new are multicolored Gerbera blooms, which become above all as potted plant on the terrace and the balcony to the decorative eye-catcher.

Common to all Gerbera flowers is the shape. It consists of a stamp, which is surrounded by a colored wreath of flower tubes. The stamp can also vary in color. So there are brown, green and yellow stamps. While until recently there were only simple inflorescences, now varieties have also been bred with filled gerbera flowers.

Give gerbera flowers to colors

Bouquets of gerberas are especially welcome. This is not only due to the slender stems, which make the plant look so noble. Especially the many different flower colors make the Gerbera the ideal flower for gifts and attentions. Even in funeral bouquets and caskets Gerbera is often processed.

If you are keen to choose the pase color of the flower bouquet for the occasion, then you are in the right place with the many shades of gerbera. So are:

But even if the importance of colors for your bouquets is irrelevant, you will certainly always find the right tone with a colorful gerbera bouquet or a combination with other flowers.

Not only with colors, also with flower sizes vary

In addition to the colors, gerberas can also be combined very well in different flower sizes. There are three different sizes to choose from:

The flowers of the mini gerbera can reach a diameter of eight, centimeters, that of the standard gerbera up to twelve centimeters. Giant Gerbera even bring it to 15 inches and more.

Tips & Tricks

The flowers of Gerbera always incline in the light direction. The stems twist and bend in the bouquet. For this reason, turn bouquets of gerbera regularly so that the flower stems do not stick out of the flower bouquet and change its shape.