How long does the flowering period of Gemswurz last?

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 26 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How long does the flowering period of Gemswurz last? - Garden
How long does the flowering period of Gemswurz last? - Garden


The flowers of the vegetable root are strongly reminiscent of margarites

How long does the flowering period of Gemswurz last?

Greensweet or chamomile flowers at the same time as tulips and hyacinths. The golden yellow flower wreaths are very decorative in interaction with other spring flowering plants. The flowering period lasts for several weeks.

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Gemsweet is one of the spring flowering plants

In a favorable location, the first flowers of greenswing already open in April. The flowering period continues into May.

The flowers are very similar to the white flowers of the summer flower marguerite. That is why vegetable root is also called spring marguerite or yellow marguerite.

Longer flowering through cutting

Always trim faded flowers the same way. As a result, the plant retains enough strength to drive new inflorescences. You can extend the flowering time by some time.


Gemsweet is not poisonous and belongs to the Compositae. The flowers appear in a bright yellow. The plant forms clumps, which lie close to the ground.