Beware of children and pets: Bleeding heart is poisonous

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 24 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
6 ’Undetectable’ Poisons (and How to Detect Them)
Video: 6 ’Undetectable’ Poisons (and How to Detect Them)


The bleeding heart is beautiful to look at, but unfortunately poisonous

Beware of children and pets: Bleeding heart is poisonous

The Bleeding Heart, a very popular ornamental plant due to its eye-catching flowers, belongs to the poppy family (Papaveraceae) and, like many of its relatives, is poisonous. Particularly at risk are small children and pets, who, out of sheer curiosity, like to snack on the pretty plant. However, deadly poisoning is usually not expected.

Next article Bleeding Heart - How to choose the optimal location for the exotic perennial

All plant parts are poisonous

Basically, all parts of the Bleeding Heart are poisonous, with the most poisonous ones being mainly underground. Above all, the roots contain various alkaloids, of which especially the isoquinoline alkaloid protopin is effective as a toxin. The same substance is found in other, sometimes highly poisonous, poppy plants such as celandine (Chelidonium majus), the California poppy (Eschscholzia californica) or the white poppy (Macleaya cordata). In medicine, the bleeding heart has traditionally no application.


Depending on which parts of the plant were consumed in which quantities, mild symptoms of intoxication such as burning in the mouth and stomach and intestinal complaints are to be expected. The latter can also be associated with vomiting and diarrhea. With a stronger poisoning paralysis phenomena are possible. Even a deadly poisoning due to circulatory failure can not be excluded.

What to do with poisoning?

If you or your child inadvertently ate or swallowed parts of the Bleeding Heart (or any other poisonous plant), it is best to do the following:


Also when gardening with the bleeding heart (eg cutting) you should wear gloves, especially if you have sensitive skin and in any case tend to contact eczema.