Honeysuckle - prone to diseases?

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 14 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Tooth decay and cavities - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology
Video: Tooth decay and cavities - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology


Too much fertilizer, wetness or dryness can be the cause of disease on honeysuckle

Honeysuckle - prone to diseases?

Normally, the honeysuckle presents a healthy image. But it can not be described as robust. On the contrary, it is considered sensitive and susceptible to disease. Read on, then learn more!

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Mildew - the most common fungal disease on honeysuckle

Often the honeysuckle is visited by powdery mildew. You recognize him on a white surface on the top of the leaves. He is wipeable. The cause is usually too high temperatures with a concomitant dry weather.

The downy mildew also likes to spread on the honeysuckle. It can be recognized by a gray layer on the underside of the leaf. As with powdery mildew, the leaves gradually turn brown until they eventually fall off ...

Root rot does not stop in front of the honeysuckle

A compacted substrate coupled with a wet environment leads to waterlogging and then leaves the root rot not long in coming. If you notice a foul smell, it might already be too late. In most cases, the honeysuckle is no longer to help with an infestation with this fungus pathogen ... prevention in the form of drainage and proper casting is therefore the A & O.

Crippling is not a disease

Sometimes the leaves look crippled. In addition, they are whitish to yellowish and curled. The reason is not a disease. Here are aphids at work! You can fight this among others with a soapy water or a nettle.

Causes of disease on honeysuckle

If the honeysuckle is weakened, it responds to pathogens less resistant. Then it has other priorities. The following aspects can make this climbing plant weak:

Attention when removing diseased parts of plants

Diseased parts of the plant should be promptly removed to prevent the pathogens from leaking to other areas. But beware: If you cut off the shoots, leaves or flowers, you should wash your hands afterwards and dispose of the cut parts of the plant. They are poisonous.

Tips & Tricks

If the leaves curl up in the winter, this is not an indication of a disease. This is a protective mechanism of the honeysuckle. It thus reduces its water loss through evaporation.