Speckled Deadnettle - Plant portrait in the profile

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 27 April 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
How to grow Spotted Dead Nettle, Lamium.
Video: How to grow Spotted Dead Nettle, Lamium.


The spotted deadnettle grows wild on meadows and in forests

Speckled Deadnettle - Plant portrait in the profile

Everyone knows about deadnettle. But there is not only one deadly nettle, but several species. The spotted deadnettle has a specific feature that makes it easy to distinguish it from other species. Also more facts about them are interesting.

Knowledgeable features in the form of a profile

There you can find the spotted deadnettle!

This species is not only annual, but persevering in contrast to the red deadnettle. It grows herbaceous and forms both subterranean and above-ground foothills. You can find this plant on roadsides, in sparse forests and on the woody edge. Preferably, it colonizes nutrient-rich soils in semi-shade.

Their external main features

The spotted deadnettle is about 20 to 60 cm high. Her growth is medium to strong. In the appearance he acts down to upright. The four-edged stems that set the tone are hollow.

In an opposite sequence, the leaves are resting on the stems. They reach a length of up to 6 cm and a width of 5 cm. They are ovate, serrate at the edge and hairy on the surface. For some they smell, while they smell unpleasant for the others.

From April, the flowers of spotted deadnettle appear (similar to the white deadnettle). They are the plant part, which makes them easy to distinguish from other species. In contrast to the monochrome flowers of red nettle and white nettle, the flowers of this species are speckled on the lower lip.


Often the spotted deadnettle is confused with the red deadnettle. But the difference is clearly recognizable: The lip blooms of the spotted deadnettle are provided with white drawings.