Can you sow Gazania yourself?

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 7 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
🔥 Gazania Plant Chat: Learn Gazania Care and More  - SGD 213 🔥
Video: 🔥 Gazania Plant Chat: Learn Gazania Care and More - SGD 213 🔥


If the Gazanie in the house is preferred, it blooms sooner

Can you sow Gazania yourself?

Although most summer flowers can be bought in flowering at garden centers, it is much more fun to grow the plants themselves. This is especially true if they are as easy to sow as the gazany.

Where can I get the seeds from?

The seeds for your midday gold, that's what the easy-care Gazania is called, should be bought from specialist retailers or ordered online. Even collected seeds of their own plants often germinate poorly or not at all, because they are often hybrids.

These crossings make up a large part of the Sonnentaler that are sold here. Her color palette shows various pinks and reds, cream, yellow and orange flowers, some with a very decorative radial design. If you want to propagate this Gazania, then cut cuttings.

What is the best way to sow Gazania?

When Sonnentaler recommends sowing and breeding on the windowsill or in a mini-greenhouse, because the plants are already starting to bloom in June. From February to April, sprinkle the seeds in pots of growing medium and place them in a light and warm place. Do not cover the seeds with soil and always keep them slightly damp.

If you use a mini greenhouse or cover the seed pots with a glass plate or foil, air the seeds daily so they do not start to mold. Approximately You have to wait 15 days for the first seedlings to appear. The germination temperature is around 18 - 20 ° C.

If the plantlets have four to six leaves, then pimp your gazania. With the planting you wait until the end of May. Slowly accustom the young plants to the outside temperatures before they can take their sunny summer location after the ice saints.

The essentials in brief:


Use best-bought seeds, as most Gazania on the market are hybrids that do not develop seeds that are poorly germinated.