Can you overwinter the Gazania?

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 7 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
🔥 Gazania Plant Chat: Learn Gazania Care and More  - SGD 213 🔥
Video: 🔥 Gazania Plant Chat: Learn Gazania Care and More - SGD 213 🔥


The Gazanie has to be brought into the house for the winter

Can you overwinter the Gazania?

The originally from South Africa originating Gazania is not hardy for us but quite perennial. Here is the Sonnentaler, as one of the German name of this decorative plant, often found as a one-year summer flower in the trade.

Buying new Gazania every year takes advantage of the trade, but not your purse. That's why you should overwinter your plants. Put the midday gold in the fall in a pasen plant pot and put it in a light and frost-free place. Ideally, the temperature in winter quarters is between 5 and 10 ° C. In winter, you need to pour the gazany only a little and do not fertilize, from April you put the plants out during the day.

The essentials in brief:


Although midday gold is often sold as a one-year-old summer flower, it is actually a perennial plant.