How to plant carnations - tips and tricks

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 26 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
GROWING Carnation and TIPS for MAXIMUM Flowers!
Video: GROWING Carnation and TIPS for MAXIMUM Flowers!


The carnation prefers sunny locations

How to plant carnations - tips and tricks

The very easy-care carnation is often considered a bit old-fashioned. However, it is very decorative and flowers for many weeks. Above all, the two-tone variants, such as the red and white variety "Mondrian" can be quite impressive

Next article How to properly maintain the carnation - tips and tricks

Very interesting are the hanging varieties. They are ideal for planting in a balcony box or in the flower basket. The carnation also feels very well in rockeries or cottage gardens.

The right location for the carnation

The main thing is that the carnation gets a place in the sun. He may also like to be protected from the wind. With good care and in the right place she is multi-year old. Often she does not survive the winter, although she is hardy. That is less the frost than too much wetness.

The best soil for your carnations

Limey, permeable and humus - that is how the carnation loves the soil the most. Loosen a solid ground with a little gravel or sand or plant the carnation in a rock garden. If the soil is very thin, then put some well rotted manure or mature compost in the planting hole.

Prepare the plantation

In the spring or autumn, you can plant the carnation without worries, it grows quite easily. In the trade, the carnation is sometimes offered as a one-year summer flower, as it is relatively inexpensive. But you can also pull your own plants from seeds and then plant them in the garden from May. Hanging varieties are best planted in a hanging basket or a balcony box.

The most important planting tips for the carnation:


The upright-growing carnation is ideal for planting a stone or cottage garden, while hanging varieties are well suited for window boxes and hanging baskets.