The right care of the delicate gardenia

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 25 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Gardenia Care Indoors // How to care for the gardenia inside with Northlawn Flower Farms
Video: Gardenia Care Indoors // How to care for the gardenia inside with Northlawn Flower Farms


The gardenia is not easy to care for

The right care of the delicate gardenia

Gardenias belong to the indoor and garden plants whose care requires a lot of expertise. Only if you keep a gardenia in the right location and meet all the conditions of plant care, the ornamental plant develops its beautiful, fragrant flowers.

Previous article To cut and maintain a gardenia as bonsai

How do you water gardenias properly?

Gardenias tolerate neither complete dryness nor waterlogging. In summer you have to water the gardenia regularly. Always dump excess irrigation water immediately.

Use only lime-free water that should be at room temperature to water gardenias. Rainwater is best suited. If you have no rainwater, you can dodge for still mineral water.

In room culture also the humidity plays a big role. It is advisable to spray gardenia more often with lime-free water.

How is the gardenia fertilized?

Gardenias need comparatively many nutrients. You must therefore fertilize the plant regularly. During the growth phase from March to August, you give liquid fertilizers for rhododendrons at fortnightly intervals. Immediately after repotting is not fertilized.

When do you have to transplant Gardenia?

Gardenias are only repotted when the root ball is completely rooted. The best time to repot is spring.

Is it useful to cut gardenias?

Gardenias are good cut compatible. They can therefore also be cared for easily as bonsai. In order for them to branch out nicely, you should cut back the branches in the spring. Make sure that you are not allowed to reach for the scissors before applying the flowers.

Cutting is always done directly over an outward eye.

Bloomed flowers should be cut and in summer shorten the shoot tips a bit.

Why does the gardenia discard the flowers?

Gardenias do not tolerate drafts and do not like them when they are changed frequently.

Another cause of falling flowers may be low humidity.

How to prevent brown gardenia leaves?

If the gardenia is poured correctly and still gets brown leaves, there is probably an iron deficiency. Therefore add some iron to the irrigation water.

Which diseases and pests can occur?

Gardenias are very sensitive and respond to poor care with disease symptoms. The most common problem is waterlogging. But nutrient deficiencies lead to the fact that the Gardenia ill.

Pest infestation occurs frequently. Often a bad location is responsible. Watch out for:

Black-eared weevils only appear when the gardenia has been in the garden during the summer. Pest infestation should be tackled immediately with suitable measures.

How are gardenias properly wintered?

Gardenia varieties such as Gardenia jasminoides are not hardy and need to hibernate in a location where it does not get colder than twelve degrees. The place should be as bright as possible.


Some varieties of Gardenia are conditionally hardy and can be maintained in a protected location throughout the year in the garden. Since they only survive frost for a short time, you must ensure suitable winter protection.