Cut forsythia hedge after flowering

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
Forsythia - How to grow Forsythia - How not to prune Forsythia
Video: Forsythia - How to grow Forsythia - How not to prune Forsythia


Cut your forsythia hedge in winter or in early spring

Cut forsythia hedge after flowering

Forsythia hedges are not only planted because of the many yellow flowers in spring. They should also form a dense privacy in the summer. With the right pruning, you can make many leaves after flowering.

What matters when cutting the forsythia hedge

For the hedge to fulfill its purpose, leaves and spring blossoms must grow in a balanced ratio.

In addition, care must be taken to ensure that the shrub does not become too woody, because neither flowers nor leaves form on such shoots. These cuts are necessary for the preservation of the hedge:

The best time for pruning

Forsythia tends to spread strongly. A regular pruning ensures that the shrub retains its shape.

The pruning is best done in May or June after flowering. As soon as the flowers turn brownish, you can grab the hedge trimmer. The forsythia will then have enough time to form new shoots until the next flower.

Cut out too tight shoots. Heavily drooping branches may also shorten you.

Shape and care cut

A forsythia hedge can not be kept in check like other hedges. The shape cut is possible at any time and is limited to shortening long overhanging branches.

With the care cut you remove constantly dead and sick branches.

Rejuvenate forsythia in winter

So that the shrubs do not become too rough, a rejuvenation cut is necessary every two to three years.

It is best done in the winter or very early spring.

You cut back all heavily lignified shoots down to the ground.

Where to go with the shrub cut of forsythia?

Especially younger Forsythienzweige can be good chop. With the shredded shrubs you can spread mulch on beds or under trees.

Dog and cat owners should not leave the cut branches lying around. Forsythia is slightly toxic and can cause discomfort in sensitive animals.

Tips & Tricks

For permanent protection, forsythia are not suitable. Spring flowers are deciduous and lose all leaves in winter. Therefore, plant forsythia as a hedge only where you want to be protected from prying eyes during the summer.