When is the best time to cut forsythia?

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Prune Forsythia
Video: How to Prune Forsythia


Cut your forsythia after flowering

When is the best time to cut forsythia?

The time to cut forsythia plays an important role in spring flowering. If the shrubs are severely cut down in the fall, the flower will stay out. Therefore, cut forsythia best in the spring.

Cut forsythia immediately after flowering

Forsythia develop most of the flowers on the shoots of the previous year. If these are cut during a pruning in autumn, the flower will fall out next spring.

The best time to cut forsythia is therefore May or June, when the flowers have turned brown and show the first leaf tips.

During the rest of the garden year, the forsythia should be cut very carefully for care purposes only.

Tips & Tricks

For the rejuvenation cut that you should do every two to three years, winter or very early spring is ideal.Only heavily woody shoots are cut back to the ground.