Better to cultivate poppies in a bucket

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 2 April 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
How to Grow Poppies in a Container
Video: How to Grow Poppies in a Container


Feather poppy spreads very quickly in the garden

Better to cultivate poppies in a bucket

Who wants to do without the fact that the poppy proliferates, but also shuns the introduction of a root barrier, is right when he plants this plant in the tub. What to look for?

Feather poppy tends to proliferate

The poppy, which shows pretty flowers in midsummer, spreads like weeds - at least that is what many of those who have already gotten to know it and have experienced how it has spread unasked in their garden.

Propagation and propagation thanks to foothills and seeds

It forms foothills in the underground (about 10 to 20 cm deep), with whose help it multiplies. Also by means of his seeds he can multiply on his own. Since he is also extremely undemanding, he quickly displaces other perennials from their location and takes over the lead role.

Valuable gap filler

Nevertheless, the poppy is and remains a valuable gap filler. Planted in a bucket, it can provide many a balcony, which enrich one or the other terrace and even the garden property. Well, he makes himself in the fence area and in front of walls. As a screen, he is also not to be underestimated.

Both its stature height of up to 3 m and its roundish-heart-shaped leaves, which are lobed on the edge and its terminally fitting, feather-like flower spikes, make it a pretty gem in the bucket.

Location claims in tub culture

You want to plant the poppy in the bucket? Then note the following:

Which care is important?

The poppy in the bucket needs little care. Most of the time he cope without your commitment. The top priority is the casting. Only for a short time does it tolerate a dry earth. A fertilizer is useful every 2 weeks to stimulate flowering. After freezing in winter, you can cut back your poppy close to the ground before sprouting in spring.


The variety 'Coral Plume' grows less than others and is therefore also suitable for outdoor cultivation.