May my dog ​​eat strawberries?

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Can Dogs Eat Strawberries? What Fruits Can Dogs Eat?
Video: Can Dogs Eat Strawberries? What Fruits Can Dogs Eat?


May my dog ​​eat strawberries?

Through fruits and vegetables, a dog receives healthy vitamins, minerals and enzymes. The fibers contained therein are indispensable for the cleaning of the digestive tract. Find out if strawberries are a part of it.

Strawberries enrich the diet of your four-legged friend

Experienced veterinarians proclaim as a rule of thumb: All raw food on the human diet may also be consumed by dogs. Thus, you can safely feed the strawberries from your garden to your four-legged friend. In terms of quality, you should set a correspondingly high bar.

Do not let this question irritate you by the fact that strawberries are actually among the nut fruits. This circumstance applies only from a botanical point of view. Veterinarians regard strawberries as a fruit from a nutritional point of view.