Cutting a single sheet is not necessary

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 12 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Large leaves can be shared

Cutting a single sheet is not necessary

Cutting or not cutting, this question arises in many plants - as well as the single leaf. Basically it does not harm the plant when you reach for the scissors. However, a pruning is not absolutely necessary and serves only optical reasons.

Cut out blooming and dried out

Sometimes leaves and flower shoots dry up - after all, everything has only a certain lifespan and so eventually every ever so beautiful flower and every previously so green leaf is unattractive brown and dried up. These stems can be cut off with a sharp pair of scissors directly above the ground to make your single leaf look fresh again. However, the cut is not necessary. Instead, you can just wait for the plant to extract all the residual nutrients from the dead shoot - and then you can simply pull it out.

Be careful when cutting: one-leaf is poisonous

However, be careful when cutting around on the single sheet. Like all arum family also the single leaf (botanically correct Spathiphyllum) is poisonous. Contact with the sap may result in redness and swelling as well as a burning sensation. Therefore wear gloves when cutting and then wash your hands thoroughly.Make sure that no plant juice gets into your eyes!

Instead of cutting: simply divide large plants

Depending on the species and variety, leaves can become quite tall and extensive. So that the plant does not exhaust its living capacity, you should divide it from time to time in the course of potting into several individual plants. This is easily possible and a much more elegant solution than a simple pruning, from which also remain unsightly cut scars. Follow these steps to split:


In contrast to many other plants, the propagation via cuttings usually does not succeed with the single leaf or is extremely difficult.