Are brown flowers normal for a single leaf?

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 11 August 2021
Update Date: 20 June 2024
why plant leaves turn brown and dry on the ends
Video: why plant leaves turn brown and dry on the ends


If a sufficient water supply is not given, the flowers bloom prematurely

Are brown flowers normal for a single leaf?

Also referred to as a leaf or leaf banner, Spathiphyllum is one of the most popular indoor plants in German living rooms. No wonder, after all, the decorative plant is quite robust and uncomplicated in the care. In addition to the large, dark-green leaves, the white, characteristic flowers make the plant so attractive - in fact, the flower consists only of the inconspicuous flask. The white "flowers" are envelopes or bracts, which turn brown after a while and dry up.

Keep flowers fresh for a long time with proper care

This process is completely normal, after all, each blossom has blossomed at some point. However, you can do a lot to extend the lifespan of each flower - it will look fresh longer with proper care. To this end

Remove the bloom with scissors

Finally, when the Spathiphyllum has withered, cut off the withered shoot just above the substrate surface. For this purpose, a normal pair of scissors, but should be clean and disinfected. Continue to maintain the monolayer well and wait for the flowering again.


The single leaf can be fertilized very well with dried coffee grounds - this stimulates the flowering.