Leaves have brown leaves or leaf spots, what to do?

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Identifying Different Causes of Leaf Spots | Indoor Houseplant Care Tips | Ep 126
Video: Identifying Different Causes of Leaf Spots | Indoor Houseplant Care Tips | Ep 126


The single sheet needs moist air as possible

Leaves have brown leaves or leaf spots, what to do?

Spathiphyllum, more commonly known in this country as a single leaf or, more rarely, leaf flag, is a popular houseplant for more shaded locations. The plant, which is very striking with its dark green, glossy leaves and showy flower, originates from the tropical rainforests of South America, where it thrives in the light shade of the great primeval forest giants. To make sure that the single leaf feels good in your home, you should create similar conditions there with consistently warm temperatures and high humidity.

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Leaves have brown leaf tips or brown leaves

If your single leaf shows brown leaf tips or even gets completely brown leaves, the much too dry room air is usually to blame. Especially in winter, when the windows are opened only briefly and the heating is constantly running, it is often too dry for the tropical plant. Make sure the air is more humid by spraying it regularly and bumping it several times a day. In summer, it is of course an advantage if the windows are open all day. Incidentally, brown leaf tips are sometimes accompanied by an infection by the red spider or spider mites, which prefer dry air and high temperatures.

Leaflet has brown spots or spots on the leaves

However, if the leaves have brown spots on the leaves, this often indicates over-fertilization. In this case, transplant the plant into fresh substrate and fertilize less frequently. For a sufficient supply of nutrients, a fertilizer with liquid fertilizer is sufficient at intervals of about two weeks - but only during the growing season, because during the winter, the single leaf also needs a break.


Furthermore, brown leaves are often an indication of a too sunny location - put the plant more in the (light) shade, then it will feel better.