How much light does ivy need?

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Grow Ivy Indoors Successfully
Video: How to Grow Ivy Indoors Successfully


North windows are suitable as a location for ivy

How much light does ivy need?

Ivy is a robust climber that needs little light. You can even grow the plant in shady spots under trees and shrubs. In the room she likes it a bit lighter. Direct sunlight tolerates ivy only conditionally.

Ivy grows in the garden even in the shade

Ivy is the ideal planting for all locations in the garden where it is too shady for other plants. That's why ivy likes to be planted in otherwise rather unfavorable places:

Ideal is a location in the garden, which is shady to partially shaded. More than a few hours of direct sunlight does not tolerate ivy so well. It is then necessary to water the plant more often. Direct sun during lunchtime should be completely avoided.

How much light does ivy need as a houseplant?

In the room you can easily place ivy in the middle of the room. But even in the flower window, the climbing plant grows well. However, ivy as a houseplant should not get more than three to four hours of direct sunshine. If direct midday sun falls in the window, provide shade for the plant.

If ivy gets too much direct sun in the room, unsightly brown or yellow spots develop on the top of the leaves.

The brighter the plant, the more often you need to water the ivy. But make sure that no waterlogging arises.

Buntblattige varieties like it brighter

While in the garden primarily dark green ivy species are pulled, in the room, on the balcony or the terrace mainly variegated varieties are maintained.

Species whose leaves grow multicolored need more light than the common ivy. Only when the plants are sufficiently bright or even slightly sunny for several hours a day, the colors develop. However, even here a location in direct midday sun is not recommended.


Since ivy in the room requires little light, the climbing plant is ideal for pulling in the bedroom. Ivy is a true pollutant killer that absorbs 80 percent of mold spores from the air within twelve hours. The plant thus ensures a healthy indoor climate.