For what purpose should one cut the fragrance nettle?

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 23 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Cook and Eat Stinging Nettles
Video: How to Cook and Eat Stinging Nettles


Through a pruning the fragrance nettle can be stimulated to a second flowering

For what purpose should one cut the fragrance nettle?

It grows to a herbaceous perennial and can hug much in the herb bed and in the perennial flowerbed or even in the tub on the terrace or balcony. But twice a year, it is advisable to take the scissors!

Stimulate a second flower wave

The fragrance nettle (Agastache) flowers in June for the first time in the year. At the beginning / middle of July the flowers dried up. Then the candlestick-upright inflorescences should be cut. It is best if you cut them to 10 cm above the ground.

Then the Agastache - added with a dose of luck and the right care (good irrigation, no dryness and some fertilizer) flowers again at the end of August / beginning of September. This is the after-flowering that can last until October.

Cut down to the ground in autumn

The second prelude to cutting is in the autumn. Then it's time for the fragrance nettle, because she withdraws. Since their old inflorescences and leaves do not heal much during the winter, they should be cut back near the ground - about 5 to 10 cm above the ground. For this you can use a simple pruning shears. Then dispose of everything - done!

Seed formation desired?

Who intends to harvest the seeds of the nettle or leave them to self-seed, should not cut off the old inflorescences rigorously. Wait until the seeds have formed and cut off the seeds in the autumn (targeted sowing in spring) or spring (seeds have fallen out, self-sowing).

Cutting for decorating and eating

The fragrance nettle is edible. You can therefore also cut off individual plant parts and flowers of Agastache and pluck leaves to use for decorating food or eat directly. The plant parts smell wonderfully of anise or mint.

Cut to multiply: Cuttings win

Also for multiplying a cut may be appropriate:


In the course of a good care also sick plant parts should be cut off. For example, the nettle is sometimes attacked by downy mildew.