The perfect care for the dragon tree

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 20 June 2024
Dracaena Plant Care 101 | Dragon Tree and Corn Plant
Video: Dracaena Plant Care 101 | Dragon Tree and Corn Plant


The dragon tree likes it moist

The perfect care for the dragon tree

The name dragon tree is actually misleading, after all, this popular houseplant is not really a tree. Nevertheless, the family of the asparagus family grows a stalk with which it almost looks like a kind of palm tree in bonsai format.

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How often should a dragon tree be cast?

The various species of the dragon tree come from their natural distribution, especially from the subtropics and tropics. They therefore like it not only relatively warm, but also evenly moist. Always make sure that your dragon tree never completely dries out in its pot. The easiest way to do this is in hydroponics care. You can also use ordinary potting soil and check the moisture content accordingly. During the light-filled summer months, the plant substrate must always be slightly moist on the surface and never dry crumbly. Since the plant inserts a kind of hibernation in the winter time, then waterings in the weekly rhythm suffice. Despite its constant water requirement, the dragon tree does not like waterlogging at the roots, so there should never be any water in the saucer.

When and how is the dragon tree repotted?

If you use commercially available potting soil for the culture of the dragon tree, an annual repotting process is an option to counteract the compaction of this substrate. This can basically be done all year round. The dragon tree usually grows so compact and slow that it rarely comes to a repot in the course of a larger footprint. If you want to do something good for your dragon tree while repotting, then you can control the pH of the soil in the pot. As the dragon tree likes to be slightly acidic, the pH value should be around 6 if possible. In order to prevent the risk of rot at the roots due to waterlogging, you can add a third of the following materials to the usual potting soil:

When repotting, you should take care not to damage the root ball as possible and only carefully tap the adhering soil.

Can the dragon tree be cut?

Many people doubt that the dragon tree can really be cut with its thin trunk and leaves resting on the crown. This plant is even amazingly cut friendly. This is a good thing, after all, the dragon tree at a too shady location in the room due to the lack of light may well tend to lose weight. In such a case, just pick up a sharp and clean planter and cut the stem at the desired height with a clean cut. The interface can be sealed up with some wax. After a short time, new sheets will form beneath the interface. In this way, not only a stronger branching of the dragon tree can be forced, the cut pieces of the "trunk" can also be used as a material for the propagation of cuttings.

Which pests infest the dragon tree?

Occasionally, spider mites, shields and mealybugs can appear on dragon trees. If the infestation is too abundant, the plants can be submerged in water or freed from the annoying pests with a spray bottle. In order for the leaves to shine permanently in good conditions, they should be cleaned regularly with a slightly damp and soft cloth to remove any adhering dust.

Are there any diseases that can threaten the dragon tree?

As indoor plants and very easy-care plants, dragon trees are generally not really affected by diseases. More often it comes to deficiency symptoms as a result of care mistakes. This can be the case, for example, if your dragon tree is in direct sunlight or too close to a radiator. Even very dark locations are only poorly tolerated by a dragon tree. If your dragon tree leaves the leaves hanging in spite of sufficient water supply, it may be a sign for a too cold location. Ideal are temperatures between 20 and 25 degrees Celsius, which should prevail relatively evenly. In winter it should not be colder for the dragon tree than about 16 degrees Celsius.

How is the dragon tree optimally fertilized?

During the bright summer months, you can fertilize the dragon tree about every 14 days with a suitable liquid fertilizer over the irrigation water. Alternatively, fertilizer sticks in the plant pot are possible. During the winter months you should suspend with the fertilizer against it.

What should be considered when caring for the dragon tree in winter?

The dragon tree grows in the wild in regions such as the Canary Islands, where it is almost always warm and bright all year round. Accordingly, the dragon tree as a houseplant in this country should get enough daylight in winter. Basically, this plant can be in the same place all year round, however, the sill is rather unsuitable due to the underlying radiator in winter. Note that the dragon tree should not be fertilized during the hibernation and should be watered if possible.


It looks especially nice when different types of dragon tree are combined into a small group of house plants. Species with rather "colorful" leaves with a light or reddish border tolerate more direct sunlight than dragon trees with pure green leaves.