The Diffenbachia gets brown leaves - causes and remedy

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 15 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Houseplant Q&A: Dieffenbachia yellowing, peace lily brown tips
Video: Houseplant Q&A: Dieffenbachia yellowing, peace lily brown tips


Brown leaves on the Dieffenbachia are often a sign of lack of water

The Diffenbachia gets brown leaves - causes and remedy

The Dieffenbachie is one of the most beautiful indoor plants and is cultivated primarily because of its attractive foliage. However, sometimes brown leaf tips appear, but their triggers can be eliminated without any problem.

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The cause

This damage to the leaves usually occurs


The right casting behavior

In summer, the Dieffenbachia needs relatively much water, as it evaporates over the large leaf area a lot of moisture. Always pour when the substrate feels dry.

Increase humidity

Here are several options:


Often, wipe the leaves of Dieffenbachia with a damp cloth, regardless of their location, and spray the plant daily with lime-free water. This also increases the humidity and provides vigorously colored foliage without brown tips.