Small presentation of different types of Deutzia

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 19 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
Nikko Deutzia | Perennial | Inspiration for Your Garden
Video: Nikko Deutzia | Perennial | Inspiration for Your Garden


The Deutzie flowers depending on the variety snow white to pink

Small presentation of different types of Deutzia

The Deutzzie is also called Maiblumenstrauch or asterisk shrub. The ornamental shrub owes its name to its flowers, which appear in May and often have the shape of little stars. The plant belongs to the family of the hydrangea plants in numerous variations.

Next article Cutting Deutzien - Tips for cutting the ornamental shrub

From the dwarf shrub to the giant Deutz

The height of Deutzia is quite different. Some dwarf varieties bring it fully grown to just 80 centimeters. Other varieties tower over them by four meters.

Small varieties are particularly suitable for hedges or keeping in a bucket. Large varieties of Deutzia make a good figure as an eye-catcher in the garden.

The different flower colors and flower shapes

The predominant color of the Deutzium flowers is white. There are now a whole selection of varieties with pink and even red flowers. The flowers can be filled and unfilled. Some Deutzia flowers emit a light, very pleasant fragrance, while others do not smell at all.

The flower forms vary as well. Some shrubs bloom in long panicles that bend downwards. But there are also Deutzien, whose flowers appear in tufts.

Cutting can often bring about a second flowering time in the fall.

Small selection of known varieties of Deutzia


The non-toxic Deutzien are very robust and easy to clean. Diseases are virtually unknown. The only pest more common is the lilac moth. It can be fought with Niemöl, if the infestation is very strong.