Deco chrysanthemums - Magnificent flowers for the balcony and terrace

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 18 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Deco chrysanthemums make wonderful on the balcony or terrace

Deco chrysanthemums - Magnificent flowers for the balcony and terrace

In the late summer / early autumn, the pots are again cheap with the deco chrysanthemums in many different colors. The perennials are wonderfully suited to provide a little color on the home balcony or garden even in the gray autumn. Read how the flower bushes are cared for properly - so you enjoy the splendor all the more.

Colorful splashes of color in the gray autumn

Deco chrysanthemums are mostly ball-shaped and large-flowered pot chrysanthemums, which are already being sold by garden centers and garden centers, especially in early autumn. They are great as a houseplant or for a beautification of the balcony and terrace. Only from a Auspflanzung you should refrain, because above all the flowers are very frost-sensitive. Only in the following spring, after the icy saints, the perennial can be set outdoors.

Maintain deco chrysanthemums properly

Since chrysanthemums are mostly perennials, good care and wintering can be worthwhile.

Location and optimal temperature

Chrysanthemums prefer the brightest possible location, but do not tolerate direct sunlight. Optimal temperatures are between 5 and 20 ° C - only frost and heat can not tolerate the autumn flowers.

Pouring and fertilizing

Water your chrysanthemum whenever the top layer of soil in the pot has dried. The right time can be found with the quick finger test, whereby the plant is likely to need water about once or twice a week. Superfluous irrigation water should be able to drain off immediately - so good drainage in the pot is so important - and then poured away. Chrysanthemums are very sensitive to wet feet. However, you should refrain from fertilizing in the autumn.

To cut

Blooming flower stalks can be immediately cut off just above the ground. The plant is working again in the spring.


Chrysanthemums in the pot should overwinter under cold conditions. This means they should be protected from frost but still be as cool as possible. Optimal temperatures are between five and ten degrees Celsius. If you have cut your chrysanthemum down completely, the winter location does not necessarily have to be bright. Water a little, do not fertilize.


Be sure to support the shrub in time as otherwise the overly long shoots may be in danger of toppling over and possibly breaking off.