Clivia professionally overwinter

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 25 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Reflowering the Clivia & Basic Care
Video: Reflowering the Clivia & Basic Care


The Clivia needs rest in winter

Clivia professionally overwinter

As hardy one can not designate the Clivia, even if she survives short-term frost mostly well. Without a certain period of rest, it is difficult to bring this not easy to nurture Clivia to flower.

Previous article Can I propagate Klivien myself?

How should I overwinter my Clivia?

The ideal winter accommodation for the Clivia is bright and cool. The plant should not be warmer than at least 10 ° C to 12 ° C for at least two months, but it may also be four months. This rest period is important, otherwise your Clivia will not bloom.

During this hibernation period, reduce watering to a minimum, so that the plant does not dry up. Fertilizer is not necessary until spring, could even harm your Clivia. If you want to repot your Clivia then this is best done after the winter break.

Which rooms are suitable as winter quarters?

The winter quarters for your Clivia should be absolutely frost-free and bright. A basement, the garage or the staircase are quite suitable, as long as it is not too dark there. Otherwise, you can help out with a fluorescent tube or an LED lamp. In spring, get your Clivia slowly back to normal room temperatures, it should not be too warm. Now the location should not be changed if possible.

The essentials in brief:


Give your Klivien a hibernation lasting at least two months, and it is very likely that it will bloom again next year.