How to fertilize Clematis with a sense of proportion

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 4 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
IPNI Webinar Series: Foliar Fertilization with Micronutrients: Concepts and Applications
Video: IPNI Webinar Series: Foliar Fertilization with Micronutrients: Concepts and Applications


How to fertilize Clematis with a sense of proportion

For a clematis to develop its massive biomass with dense foliage and a glorious flowering, it needs a sufficient amount of nutrients. The following instructions explain how to fertilize Clematis properly.

Organic special fertilizers quench the great hunger of Clematis

Flowering climbing plants, such as the clematis, have a particularly high demand for potassium. To meet this requirement, the specialist trade offers special fertilizers for Clematis on an organic-mineral basis. The following two drugs have excelled in this regard:

Cuxine DCM

This preparation scores with a composition of 6 percent nitrogen, 5 percent phosphorus and rich 10 percent potassium. In this way, the fertilizer aims at a long-lasting flowering of the climber. The mineral components ensure rapid availability of nutrients. The granulated fertilizer is applied from March to September in a dosage of 100-150 grams per square meter.

Kölle's best Clematis fertilizer

Here the manufacturer relies on a NPK composition of 6 + 3 + 8 and adds another 5 percent guano. Guano consists of the excrements of South American seabirds and is rich in natural nutrients for the targeted activation of soil life. An application is recommended in March / April and June / July with 70-100 grams per square meter. Clematis in the tub receives 20 grams into the moist substrate every 4 weeks from March to August.

Clematis fertilize in harmony with nature

In the garden close to nature, organic hobby gardeners avoid the use of any mineral additives in the fertilizer. In order to fertilize the clematis in accordance with this principle, a combination of compost and vegetable fodder is recommended. How to handle it correctly:

It is important to note that after fertilizer of any kind has been introduced, the soil must be watered to absorb the nutrients. Vegetable feces are always diluted with water in the ratio 1:10 before they are used. Wetting the leaves of a clematis with liquid fertilizer should be avoided so as not to open the door to the fungal spores of the clematis wilt.

Tips & Tricks

No garden but a hungry clematis on the balcony? Then a worm hotel supplies the required organic fertilizer in the form of vermicompost and worm tea. In a space-saving wooden construction, busy worms on 4 levels process the organic waste of the household into nutritious organic solid and liquid fertilizer.